
The Roman Empire : The Fall Of The Classical Empire

Decent Essays

Caitlin Ginther
Mr. Faught
AP World
10 February 2017
Comparative Essay
Three major civilization composed the classical empire. Classical Rome, Han China, and Gupta India all thrived at one point during this era, but with success also eventually came the fall of these three empires. Taking place at different times and due to different reasons, all three started to decline and eventually were too weak to defend themselves. The fall of the Roman Empire seemed to be more complex and due the many more little problems, by they all three fell apart due to unrest and problems created that could not be solved before it was ultimately too late.
The fall of the Roman Empire was much more complex than fall Gupta India and Han China. There were many internal and external aspects that affected the decline of the Roman Empire, dealing with unrest between the people and unrest from outside sources of invasions as well. Many signs leading up to the fall of Rome began late in the second century. Population decreased and the death rate became higher than the birth rate. The reason populations started to dwindle is due to plagues taking place in the empire, and the diseases and death due to the plagues hurt the population and disrupted the economic situation. Since so many people were dying, there were less labor workers. Due to this the Romans had to hire Germanic soldiers, which negatively affected their civilization economically. The Germanic soldiers had to be paid for their duties, and it

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