The Civil War broke out when Earp was 13. Desperate to leave the family farm in Illinois and find adventure, Earp tried several times to join his two older brothers, Virgil and James, in the Union army. But each time, the runaway Earp was caught before he ever reached the battlefield, and was returned
The aftermath of the Civil War shook the nation. A new way of life was beginning for the people of America. A way of life that was beautiful and free to some and absolutely devastating to the rest. The country had changed and nobody did a better job at documenting this change than the authors. The authors used this new world to explore new and unique stories as well as capturing what it was actually like living in the post-Civil War times. This paper will examine post-Civil War Literature and its importance to documenting this period in history.
Ever since declaring its independence from Britain, America has developed on the foundation of compromise. Upon the drafting of the Constitution, the Founding Fathers were succumbed to compromise in order to incorporate the needs of the different parts of the nation. During the early eighteenth century, Americans achieved reconciliation of political disputes, predominately between the North and the South, through compromise. By 1860 this was no longer feasible and the nation was faced with disheartening threats to its unity. Sectionalism in the Union was further increased. Tariffs were commonly accepted by one part of the nation and debated by the other. The economy of the North and South was becoming increasingly divergent- the North
Wyatt Earp was born march 19, 1848 in Monmouth Illinois. Wyatt was the fourth of nicholas and virginia ann earp. He had two older brother James and Virgil and older sister martha. He also had a older half brother Newton. Wyatt also had two younger brothers warren and morgan and two little sisters virginia ann and adelia. Both virginia ann and martha died at childhood. Wyatt spent most of his childhood in Illinois and iowa. Wyatts three older brothers join the civil war on the union side. Wyatt tried to run away to join several time but his father always brought him back. Wyatt was put in charge of harvesting all the crops. Wyatts brother return after the war and go to work but wyatt being too young still helped his brother virgil on the stagecoach. Wyatt is hired on the railroad in 1868 where he learns to gamble and how to box in wyoming. Wyatt decides to join his family in lamar missouri in 1869. Wyatt is made constable of the township in his father 's place. Wyatt earp married urilla sutherland who dies within a ear after they wed.Wyatt sells the house he bought two months earlier. On march 28 1871 wyatt in accused of stealing a house and avoids it by fleeing. Wyatt spends the next several years working in a saloon, gambling houses, and brothels of the frontier. He has multiple relationships with prostitutes and artists because of his involvement with them. In october of 1874 wyatt helps track down and catch a horse thief which is the same crime he was accused of. He
Roman Catholic and Jewish faiths gain enormous strength from New Immigration. Cardinal Gibbons was immensely popular with both Roman Catholics and Protestants
Contrabands was a term established during the Civil War, by General Benjamin Butler. It was given to “slaves who had escaped to the Union or were captured by the Unions troops”(220). Additionally, the were considered enemy property by the Union. Union troops did not free them, but they did not reenslave them either. Instead, the Union put them to work, fed, clothed, and housed the slaves. They also still were not permitted to go and come as they pleased. However, on August 6th, 1861 congress passed the First Confiscation Act. This clarified the status of runaway’s slaves and it allowed federal forces to obtain any property that belong to the Confederates used in the war. In addition, this act declared that slaves who were used by their masters
Although the horrors of the American Civil War and Reconstruction within Indian Territory were fresh. Yet, the presence of Indian Territory changed drastically between 1865 and 1889, because of the “Second Trail of Tears”, the unrest of the Southern Plains tribes of western Indian Territory, and the impact of U.S. Polices on Indian Territory.
LIABILITY/RESPONSIBILITY: One of the key issues is who should be held liable for the breaches? With so many parties involved in the credit card payment process, it’s difficult to define a certain group solely responsible.
Each of the persons ,John Brown, Stephen Douglas, and Abraham Lincoln, with their own niche roles contributed greatly to the coming and the inevitability of the Civil War. Lincoln being chief among these people in respects to importance to the coming of the Civil War was a huge catalyst to the civil war through his election to presidency without the votes of a single southern state, and his debates with Stephen Douglas. Douglas was another large part of the fruition of the Civil War through his Compromise of 1850, and the Douglas-Lincoln debates which lead to Lincoln winning the election. John Brown while not contributing to the coming of the war as Lincoln or Douglas still played his role by becoming a martyr for the Republican-Abolitionist cause. Each person while contributing unique aspects to the onslaught that was the Civil War had one thing in common, they all progressed it 's coming heavily making the Civil War almost inevitable.
After the Civil War, the South was in a state of political turmoil, social chaos, and economic decline. Contrary to popular belief, Northerners did not subject Southerners to unethical or inhumane punishment. The time post Civil War was filled with efforts toward reconstructing the South, yet there is the strong question if there even is a New South. Yes, there was somewhat of a New South economically. No, there was not a New South regarding race relations and social hierarchy. In the 1870’s, the South realized the world still looked at them as the ones who wanted slavery. There was a need to project a new image to the world and to stimulate
The Civil War that occurred was one of the darkest times in our history as a country. It was a time where there was a complete breakdown of social and political systems. Hundreds of thousands were killed and hundreds of thousands more were aversely affected. However, it was also a time of remembrance and significant moral progress. It is remembered as the turning point in American History and would be the foundation for the Civil Rights movement many years later.
Soma is the best weapon the government in "Brave New World" can use to control their citizens and maintain their ideal society. Soma creates a clam feeling while also distracting citizens. The distraction the drug provides is it's most powerful side effect, because while taking soma the citizens do not realize that that there is actually something very wrong in their world. Using soma to keep it's citizens content is the only way the citizens of the World State, in Brave New World continue to be enslaved.
As a raging crisis was emerging, moderates and unionists were attempting to create a great compromise that would settle such issues. On January 29, 1850, Henry Clay has written a compromise and presented it to the Senate. The document consisted of admitting California as a free-state, the formation of territorial governments, and the abolition of slavery. Instead of a peaceful settlement, the resolutions launched a raging debate for seven months. As time went by, there has been numerous of events and court cases that led to the Civil War. The Compromise of 1850 was just the beginning of a series of debates in regards to slavery.
Frederick Douglass once said “What a change now greets us! The Government is aroused, the dead North is alive, and its divided people united…The cry now is for war, vigorous war, war to the bitter end, and war till the traitors are effectually and permanently put down” (Allen, 2005). In 1861, the start of the Civil War was needed by the Confederacy and the Union. Ever since the American Revolution and the birth of the United States, seventy-eight years earlier, there were many disagreements that began to tear apart the country. The main issues that were debated were state rights, unfair taxation, and slavery. Slavery was the main issue because it caused a separation between the north and the south. The north had mostly abolished slavery by this time because it became an industry driven economy, while the south was made up of plantations that grew crops. Almost half of the southern population was made up of slaves because about one-third of families owned slaves. The southern states wanted to break away to start their own establishment and we able to have slaves if they wanted. The Civil War began with the Battle of Fort Sumter. Fort Sumter is located in the Charleston, South Carolina harbor, three and a half miles from the shore. Many events occurred leading up to, during, and after the battle to mark it as an important part of the Civil War.
The Civil War left a country divided not only by property lines and borders but by beliefs as well. Not just religious beliefs, moral beliefs also. It left both sides, north and south struggling, trying to figure out what their next move towards reuniting the divided America was going to be. The period following the end of the Civil War would become known as the “Reconstruction Era.” An era that raised just as many questions as it did answers. A reconstruction of America that seems to carry on many decades later.
Essay topic: With the reference to one of The Canterbury Tales discuss, what means Chaucer uses to create the highly individualized (and often comic) characters and how successful is his creation.