
The Runaway Pancake: Chapter Analysis

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Second stage: read-aloud and students analysis responses

In this last stage, I proceeded to the read aloud. I started by introducing the book to my students, I told them that the book title was Marsupial Sue presents: The Runaway Pancake; I pointed to the image in the cover and said: “this is Marsupial Sue asked; could identify what animal is she?” The students came closer to me and carefully inspected the cover while doing educated guesses of the kind of animal that was Marsupial Sue. Amanda said “it looks like a rabbit because it has long ears and big feet” and Catherine said, no its tail is too long for a rabbit; it looks more like a dog” and it was Muhammad who said, “no, it’s a kangaroo!” I asked him “how do you know?” and he said “I remember they said in Animal Planet that kangaroos are marsupial and the name is Marsupial Sue? I was really surprised by their answers; they showed a very deep level of thinking and reasoning. I was especially surprised by Mohamad’s ability to make connections between the image, the title, and his prior knowledge. After this little exchange, I proceeded to read the book to my students. The story presents us with a group of animals chasing a mischievous pancake in an effort to eat it for lunch. The …show more content…

Who?” Maisha said, “yes, my little brother is very naughty; one day ate all my dad’s yogurt. Lourishky said, “my mom said that imam naughty because I always wake her up jumping on her bed.” Then Abdul expressed, “my neighbor’s cat is very naughty, it likes to climb trees chasing squirrels and sometimes it can’t come down…And my dad has to bring it down because Mr. Jones (neighbor) is too old to climb trees. It was great to see how they relate the question to their own lives and experiences and in Abdul’s case, he even made the effort to add detail to the story. Which is price worthy since he always has a problem adding details to his

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