The scariest moment of my life! Imagine a time, your heart beating out of your chest, your brain going a million miles an hour, and your stomach sunk down as far as it can go. Now, multiply those feelings by ten and you will know how scared I felt during the scariest moment of my life. The end of January. My brother finally arrives home from his two-year mission in Mexico. Not particularly happy of the fact of giving up my room I droopingly moved my belongings into my old room just up the stairs. Although I missed my brother dearly, I never could imagine what it would be like for him to move out again after an encounter we had a few weeks after he returned home. Like any other normal school night, I completed my homework and prepared myself for a good night’s sleep. As I finished the long process of washing my face and brushing my teeth, I said goodnight to by brother and slothfully wondered up the stairs into my new/old bedroom. I kneeled down beside my bed and said my prayers. After I was finished, I carefully moved my prayer rock (a rock that reminds me to say my prayers) in front of my door, so I would not forget to say my prayers the following morning. I slowly crawled into my cloud-like bed, and began to attempt to fall asleep. Everyone dead asleep except me. Trying to fight away the horrifying thoughts of the movie Insidious I watched a few days prior, I laid there restless into the early hours of the morning. I tiredly rolled to the left side of my body. I saw
I woke up looking around not knowing what was going on. I looked around realizing that I was in an unknown bed. Panicking at first I tried to find my bearings, but I calmed down quickly as I watched my mother walk into the room.
It began the morning of September 1, we slept soundly through the night as we had always, but this time it was different. I heard ringing from the hallway but I wasn’t sure what it was, I peeked through the doorway,there was a creature standing there about to come in my room I slammed his head in and he suddenly stopped. As I went back to sleep and after five minutes I heard it again, this time the creature
Fortunately I didn’t, but this did happen to me: as I was closing my eyes, I started hearing these really weird popping sounds. Like, click-click-click. Over and over again – and they actually got louder! Okay, there was nothing – nothing – in the room that might have did that. No fan, no heating, no AC, no television, clock, watch, whatever! It was the most basic hotel room ever. And the clicks sounded as if something was floating above me! Like circling above me, like a swarm of bees or something. I was scared sh*tless, but I just tried to go to sleep. And never opened my eyes until the morning, when the bright sun shone in the room. Going to breakfast, I saw the bullet holes left in the ceiling by Billy the Kid and other saloon fighters, and heard the stories told by the kitchen staff about plates and silverware that would randomly fall to the ground and break, and the flickering lights, and other freaky things which I forgot.
When I woke up, I had no idea where I was, until seconds later when I realized almost everything in the room was white. My hair was pulled out of my bun and I was wearing a patient's gown. There was a lady in baby blue shirt with little snoopy dogs on it leaning over the bed with a clipboard in her left hand, and a pen in her right. The instant I moved my head to look around, I regretted it and let my head flop back down, then regretted that even more. My whole right side of my body felt like it was being burned and stabbed right there on the spot. I moaned and I heard my mom's voice, just a little too
I had returned to my old home, and the house was the same as when I left. Well, on the outside. When I walked inside things were broken, and some things were not even there. I showed the guests around the house and to their
I woke with a start. My eyes sprung open, but I could not see anything. It was pitch black. My eyes began to adjust and I heard very loud, unfamiliar voices. They were yelling at my parents. I don’t know exactly what they were saying, but we were in trouble. My mother started to cry, and there was
In November my sister Brandie came down to my house. Brianna and I got our items. Then I had walked outside with the items and taken all of it to the car. I went back in then we had to say our good-byes to our endeared idolised mother.
It was dark whenever I woke up from my slumber. I was a very heavy sleeper so I knew that someone or something had woken me up. Looking around my room, I noticed a small glint of metal coming from across the room. I suspected it was just a necklace or something catching light from the full moon outside. Then, I fell back asleep without a care in the world. Suddenly I was jolted awake by the sound of a muffled voice saying "Hurry! Knock him out before he hears us!" Then I felt a large pain my arm from a needle and fell into a drug-induced sleep.
It was the end of the school year, and I was super excited to go home, jump on the couch and have the snuggly feeling I had last summer. When my dad came home he called me up to his room,
Life was amazing and wonderful for a time being. My family was whole and put together. We had just moved into a house on Circle Road in Worland, Wyoming. I remember the house quite well before my parents had done any work to it. There were bird cages, pecked out doors, other animal cages, stains of all sorts, and holes in cracks in the walls and ceilings. It was quite the piece of work to say the least! Renovations were tedious and awful, but all the hard work would pay off in the end. Building the house up to my family’s expectations took awhile, but it was worth every second of it. Time flew by during my childhood in that house. I remember one day taking a trip over to the fish hatchery in the canyon. Other days we would spend at my grandpa’s house visiting him. We would attend as a family social events and parties. Life was pretty amazing. To say the least things were going quite well in the Boltz household. Furthermore, there were three things that changed me and my life when my dad died.
The day I moved away, a lot of things were going through my young mind. As I took my last look at my home, I remembered all the fun times I had with my family and friends through out my
Then we started to unpack all the silverware. Once we were finished unpacking it was time to put everything into its correct spot. There was no problem with everything else to move, but the couch and the tv were the hardest. After moving the heavy stuff we started to work on the kitchen and I had to put away the spoons, forks, and knives and my brother had to put away the plates, bowls, and cups. As soon as we were done with that we began to do the rooms. We first did our parents room and it took pretty long because they had to master bedroom. After that we did my uncle's bedroom. Finally, we did, me and my brother’s bedroom. When we were all done, we just relaxed and enjoyed our summer. A few weeks later, after moving in we went to a party and my dad has black hair and brown eyes and he was wearing shorts, and a tank top, with his favorite shoes, and his hair was spiked up. My mom has brownish hair, with brown eyes, and she was wearing her jeans and her shirt, with her north face jacket. My brother has black hair, and brown eyes, and he was wearing colorful clothes so I called him an ugly rainbow. I have black hair, with brown eyes and I were wearing joggers with a shirt and my jacket. The next day I went to the park and made a few new friends it felt good because they were nice to me and my
Our family was moving from our old house in the county into a new house in the city. We had to do this, because my mom had just given birth to my younger
Lying in bed in the middle of the night while sleep eludes me, a noise breaks through the silence. Oh my God! What was that!? Maybe it was just my imagination, or maybe it was just the house settling. There it is again! I must be hearing things. I get cold and my body starts to shiver uncontrollably. I peek to where the sound comes from and I could swear I see something through the dark room; it appears even darker than the surrounding area. Oh my! I think it just moved. My breathing becomes labored and I pull the covers over my head, trying to calm myself down while making my brain work through what just happened. Was I dreaming? Or did I just see a ghost?
I was supposed to go camping that evening, but little did I know that I was going to be spending the next three days in a hospital fearing for my brother’s life. This is my story about the scariest moment in my life, when my brother was on the edge of dying.