
The School Motto For Wohlwend Elementary

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The school motto for Wohlwend Elementary is Be Respectful, Responsible, and Safe which says a lot about the atmosphere of the school. While the entire district is switching to standards based grading and having some uncertainties about their grading system and the outlook on the rest of the year, everyone will still smile at you and say “hi”. The impact of this overall friendliness creates an environment where people feel comfortable. I found myself instantly at peace. In the eight years my teacher has been at the school there have been no major changes structurally to the building. Many of the ideas are the same, and this sameness creates a pleasant atmosphere.
The goals and initiatives of the school are clearly listed in the Staff Handbook, given to each staff member at the beginning of the year. It includes the mission: “Educate Everyone, Every Day” as well as the vision and goal for the school. For each goal , there are listed objectives and strategies as well as responsibilities and clearly stated action steps. One of the major goals of the school is collecting data. The students carry their data binders home every night where they graph their progress in data.
The teachers in the school use PLC (Professional Learning Community) which serves under the idea that “the key to improved learning for students is continuous job-embedded learning for educators”. The meeting follow a strict agenda where not only is the content predetermined but involvement from the

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