
The School Should Be A School Wide Assembly

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The school can hold a school wide assembly informing the students where to get help and support, how to deal with grieving a crisis in healthy ways instead of unhealthy ways. The school should inform the students about the entirety of the event and follow up with what action plans the school has in place to help reassure the staff and students that they are safe. More routine drills can be put in to place to keep everyone feeling ready in the event of an emergency as well. The school may also organize an event to bring more joy back into the school such as a dance or some fun event that raises everyone’s spirits. The school should make sure students are aware where they can get help and counseling, who to ask for help and when they should seek help. Talking about the events that took place will help everyone find closure and peace, they students should not be urged to avoid the topic or avoid talking about it, it may even be a good idea for the staff to hold coping exercises in their individual classrooms where students can express their thoughts in a welcoming environment. Teachers can report the progress back to the principal to keep everyone informed on the grieving process. Returning to a regular schedule is important once the students return to school, the sooner everyone can get back to the daily routine, the better. Returning to regular activities and classes is a necessity during the coping process. Students who have been impacted by a traumatic event rely on that

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