
The Scientific Science Of Science

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We discover scientific knowledge in various natural science fields such as biology or chemistry. A common misconception about the natural sciences is that both the knowledge they reveal to us and the scientific method used in discovering this are purely analytical. This means that these sciences are rigid in facts and do not contain any subjectivity or creativity. However, the scientific method is not a rigid system of pursuing measurable facts. It contains fallacies and biases. In testing hypotheses, performing observations, or reasoning inductively, science is undoubtedly flawed and erroneous. Paradigms, commonly seen as infallible and containing rather insignificant errors, contribute to many of the errors involved in scientific …show more content…

Because the hypothesis was dependent on this inaccurate assumption, the experiment and its hypothesis were flawed.
When observation comes into play, testing a hypothesis and following the steps in the scientific method can prove to be more difficult than one presumes. Observation can cause error or provide uncertainty when pursuing science. The selected nature of perception indicates that there is always a possibility of overlooking a factor of the experiment that is potentially relevant or even crucial. For example, Van de Lagemaat showed that Mercury deviated from the orbit. This was predicted by Newton’s Laws. To explain this deviation, astronomers developed the notion that there was an undiscovered planet called Vulcan. Some of the astronomers even claimed that they had seen this planet. It was later found out that the undiscovered planet did not exist at all. To explain Mercury’s deviation, Einstein developed the theory of relativity years later. Both selectivity, overlooking a possible factor about space, and expectations, influencing what we can see, are suggested in contributing

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