
The Sea Inside Movie Essay

Decent Essays

Movie Review: The Sea Inside The Sea Inside is a powerful movie through the eyes of a quadriplegic man named Ramón Sampedro, who is a bedridden quadriplegic who petitioned to the federal court requesting that he be allowed to end his own life and die with dignity. Ramón spent twenty-eight years fighting the courts to grant him permission to die with dignity. Ramón became a quadriplegic after diving off a seaside cliff. Just as he dove into the ocean the tide changed, causing the water to become shallow and he snapped his neck on the bottom of the sea floor. After Ramón’s diving accident, he was faced with having to depend on his family to care for him. Ramón lived with his brother Jose, sister in law Manuela, and their son Javi, whom Ramón reluctantly has to depend on for total care. Manuela is Ramón’s main caretaker who is responsible for bathing, …show more content…

Gene a female activist for "Dying with Dignity" provides education to individuals who wish to die with dignity sought out a lawyer name Julia to assist in appealing the courts decision to not allow Ram'on to end his own life. Julia too is diagnosed with a debilitation disease named Cadasil which is an inherited form of cerebrovascular disease, causing migraine headaches, multiple strokes, heart disease, seizures, blindness, and dementia (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2013). In addition, Julia who in the beginning of the movie questions Ramón’s decision to die with dignity is faced with her own thoughts of assisting Ramón in ending his life; after she experiences another stroke. Julia expressed to Ramón that they would die together once she published his book of poetry. However once the book was published and she was faced with of making the choice to live or die she chose life. Julia sent Ramón a copy of the book with a letter inside, and never returned to meet him again (New Line Cinema,

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