
The Second Party: Periodization Between 1828 To 1854

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The Second party is a term of periodization between 1828 to 1854. One of the two parties were called The National Republicans, led by Henry Clay, John Quincy Adams, and Webster. They believed that the government should be used to advance social and cultural improvements. As well as improve the standards of life in American communities. Most of the Republicans we known as the Whigs, their supporters mostly came from the northeast. The second party was known as the Democratic Republicans commonly known as the Democrats, led by Andrew Jackson. He believed that it was in their best interest of the common man. He also believed that the Whigs were threatening their economic, social, and cultural freedoms. His supporters rotted in the west and south …show more content…

The main reasons why it was chartered was because the United States was experiencing price increases and difficulty financing military operations during the War of 1812. It was created as part of the American system of economics, to issue currency and encourage commerce. It provided a mean for the government to regulate financial affairs. The second back had many functions just like the first, but as the first many people thought that it was mismanaged and felt that it helped bring on the panic of 1819. The Second party are two parties Republic and Democratic, and anyone else not bound by a contract is called a third party. After the Napoleonic wars and the war of 1812 a period called the era of god feelings was marked. It reflected a sense of national purpose and a desire of unity for Americans. Monroe’s term was known for as the era of good feeling; he was the first known representative of the one-party system under the republics. Both parties were either for or against the bank of the United states. Jackson believed that the bank had too much economic power, and the others did not they favored government action to improve American …show more content…

Although the election had not been associated with strong party affiliations, John Quincy Adams supporters started referring to themselves as National republicans and Andrew Jackson’s Democratic Republican. Andrew Jackson service served him well and resulted him in winning both popular and electoral votes in the election of 1828. The election of 1832, was the first time both parties would hold nominations conventions. At the time the election nominations were not made by the congress like before, but by the state legislatures instead. The election itself was served more as a referendum for the bank issue than electing a president. State banks and western businessmen continued to criticize the bank as an instrument of federal control and of eastern commercial interest. In 1832, Senator Henry Clay and Andrew Jackson was running for president. Although Clay persuaded the banks president, Nicholas Biddle, to apply early for rechartering, congress passed the renewal, but Jackson vetoed it and used it as a main issue for his campaign. In 1836, Jackson removed all federal funds from the bank, the Second bank of the United States ended its operations as a national institution. In 1836, Jackson removed all federal funds from the bank. The second party system was basically the Democrats vs the Whigs. During Jacksons presidency, the Republican party split into two opposing parties. The party government is

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