
The Security Of The Maritime Environment

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The fact that the United States has over 360 seaports is a common statistic that is thrown around in numerous documents and reports to emphasize the immensity of providing security in the maritime environment. Adding to the enormity, is the complexity involved in these seaports because no two establishments are alike in how they operate. Of course some will be more alike than others, but each of them will have individual circumstances that will be unique to that facility. Part of the reason for differences in operation is due to the variety of purposes for which these ports exist. Some ports focus on passenger cruise vessels or recreational craft, others strictly on goods and cargo, some have military importance or responsibilities, while …show more content…

As markets become more closely linked because they are connected to water, and the sea is the only way to transport bulk cargo cost-effectively, the impact that organized crime has in port facilities is exacerbated. Most of the criminal activity that is taking place in US port facilities can directly be attributed to organized crime, or at minimum have links to organized crime.
Crime at US Seaports It is hard to know for sure exactly how severe the crime problem is at US seaports. According to a report published in 2000 by the Interagency Commission on Crime and Security in US Seaports, there is no collection of data or any reporting systems in place that adequately collects and reports crime by seaports (Commission 2000, 2). However, if the number of people being arrested and prosecuted as a result of crimes conducted in port facilities is any reflection of the criminal activity that regularly transpires, then clearly crime is extensive in port facilities. The prevailing crimes that take place at US port facilities are drug smuggling, human and alien smuggling, cargo theft, and internal criminal and commercial conspiracies. These crimes threaten legitimate business for stakeholders, jeopardize the safety and lives of law abiding citizens, and exposes the national economy to increased risk.
Drug Smuggling
Drug smuggling is the leading crime occurring in seaports and there is no shortage of innovation. The most

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