The Servant by James C. Hunter lays a foundation of required strategies that are commonly learned throughout life. The concepts that are laid out in this book are quite interesting and similar to the laws of love. There is an unfortunate amount of successful and unsuccessful people who acquire the “I know best” leadership style that John portrays. Having the “I know it all” mentality can be a person’s biggest downfall. Within this story, you can see the consequences of that mentality as John is losing his grounds in all leadership roles within his life. These strategies are not difficult or new but understanding the foundation of these strategies may be quite challenging for some. When reading this book I recognized to become an efficient leader …show more content…
Although, this is a great concept, it requires a great amount of effort on the leaders’ part. Unfortunately, some leaders do not feel the need to do this which may show in their lack of communication towards their workers. Showing self-control allows you to give attention wherever it may be needed. This could mean showing some form of appreciation and even encouragement to the employees when necessary. Being able to show some form of gratitude returns a mutual gain of trust. Being employed in a leadership role it’s necessary to apply some of these common strategies to use in a work place. When a worker feels more appreciated it begins to show within the company. After mastering the power of influence you’re able to gain a sense of authority. Authority is simply being able to get people to do what you want by your personal influence. On the other hand, you have power. This is usually accompanied by coercion, through the ability of applying force because of your position. The most common mistake to make is not knowing the difference between authority and power. Truly gaining authority is essentially carrying the power. Within Johns retreat, he is constantly learning the importance of humbleness as an effective
The law of demand is the principle that there is ____ relationship between the price of a good and the quantity buyers are willing to purchase in a defined time period, ceteris paribus. a.a inversed.independent ANS
"There is a difference between being a leader and being a boss. Both are based on authority. A boss demands blind obedience; a leader earns his authority through understanding and trust." Klaus Balkenhol
Leaders are responsible for providing direction, implementing plans, and motivating people. Their main focus is to create relationships based on trust, thus making employees feel a part of the plan, not just hired as indentured servants. Therefore, collaborative goals are developed to foster mutual respect and dignity for all. In chapter eight, the authors, Kouzes, and Posner both believe Leaders should take the initiative to foster collaboration, and encourage others. The authors state, “Leaders nurture self-esteem in others. They make others feel strong, capable, and confident to take both initiative and responsibility (Kouzes, and Posner, 2012). This is something I have never received from my leaders. Therefore, I have never thought it was
The Servant was written by James C. Hunter. The focus of this book is servant leadership. Hunter uses a retreat set up at a monastery called John of the Cross to explain the importance of servant leadership and how one can apply it to one’s life. Hunter uses a businessman, principal, college basketball coach, pastor, drill sergeant, and a head nurse to bring different personalities and views on leadership. The group meets together with a monk at the monastery twice a day to discuss different areas that lead to a servant leader. The three most thought-provoking topics for me discussed in The Servant were the definitions, the old paradigm, and the word love.
Albert Lin A11903689 CAT 3 – E14 MW 8PM Midterm Graphic Novel Concept “The Slave’s Retribution” by Albert “Anarchy” Lin Place-Time The place time of the graphic novel is critical in providing the background and structure that the graphic novel depends on. Setting the story in the Southern United States during the 1800s helps set the scene for the driving force behind the plot of the novel. Before the Civil War, the United States was strongly divided on the issue between slavery with the North believing that slavery should be outlawed.
The Prince was written nearly 500 years ago; it serves as a practical guide for successful ruling. The book's 26 chapters can be divided into four sections: Chapters 1-11 discuss the different types of principalities or states, Chapters 12-14 discuss the different types of armies and the proper conduct of a prince as military leader, Chapters 15-23 discuss the character and behavior of the prince, and Chapters 24-26 discuss Italy's desperate political situation. The final chapter is a plea for the Medici family to supply the prince who will lead Italy out of humiliation.
Finally, this paper will address how the practice of servant leadership would affect everyone from the lowest enlisted men to the most senior flag officer and everyone else in-between. Leadership goes well beyond the following definition: “Leadership is the art of influencing and directing people in such a way as to obtain their willing obedience, confidence, respect and cooperation.” In fact, when it comes right down to it, “there are no quick and easy answers to becoming an effective and efficient leader.” Leadership is difficult and enduring work. It is a lifelong process of building and molding not only your skills but also the skills of your subordinates. In a society of instant gratification, we look for the quick fix. Yet the problem is the quick fix or plug and play solution, rarely serves the long-term goals of an organization.
Anita Satterlee makes an obvious, but profound observation stating, “A leader cannot lead without followers (Satterlee, pg. 6, 2013).” Essentially, a leader without subordinates who are engaged can not lead properly. While this concept is easy to comprehend, what is most intriguing is Satterlee’s claim that “by mastering the role of followership, a subordinate prepares for the role of leadership (Satterlee, pg. 7, 2013).” Instead of viewing leaders as being static, it is important to view the process of leadership as more
James A. Autry is the author of the bestselling book The Servant Leader. He has put together the fundamental skills every leader should hold in order for them to successfully run their businesses. Within thirteen chapters, the book has been divided into four categories: a foundation of character and vision, servant leader as manager: the everyday nuts and bolts, the harsh realities of organizational life, and finding the balance. The importance of developing yourself into the character of ‘servant leadership’ is identified to show how to harness productivity, creativity, courage, a nurturing nature, and handle both short and long term management situations. Although a particular purpose or mission leads every organization, all organizations are in a sense the same. The dependency on people is a dominant factor (Autry 2001, xviii).
Leadership and management for many go hand in hand, and may be perceived as one in the same. In the book titled, The Servant (1998), James C. Hunter challenged this mainstream view, and literally turned this concept, which so many are coached on, upside-down. The notions of what characterizes a virtuous leader, as well as what it means to serve others, are the primary focal points of Hunter’s book. He did an eloquent job of revealing his theory concerning effective leadership by using an allegorical approach which, made the content easier to digest and much more personable. The Servant deeply resonated with me, and I gained significant value from the attitudes Hunter presented which, I can apply to my schooling, personal life, and future career paths. I was also able to discern what I felt to be applicable elements regarding the mark of a worthy leader, and arrived at my own theories.
The book The Servant, A Simple Story About the True Essence of Leadership, is a story of Jon Daily. He goes to a week long retreat to evaluate his leadership style. A group of people came together for learning session. The group was made up of John Daily the business man, a nurse, a principal, a sergeant, and a preacher. The teacher was a monk Simon a former successful business man and s person that John had idolized. Each session is filled with different topics to reflect on the traditional; leadership as management and then the leadership that inspires and is continuous.
The foundation of my personal leadership philosophy can be found in the principles of servant leadership as spelled out by Greenleaf (1970, 1977). Leadership is granted to individuals who are by nature servants. An individual emerges as a leader by first becoming a servant. Servant leaders attend to the needs of those they serve and help them become more informed, free, self-sufficient, and like servants themselves. Leaders and those they serve improve, enhance, and develop each other through their connection. A leader must also be conscious of inequalities and social injustices in the organizations they serve and work actively to resolve those issues. Servant leaders rely less on the use of official power and control, but focus on empowering those they
What is the stimulus that encourages the emergence of a great leader? Robert Greenleaf’s theory of Servant Leadership places emphases on the individual, who is instinctively a servant.