The Shape Program was a18-month randomized controlled trial of a weight gain prevention intervention for overweight black female patients in the primary care setting. Total participants was 194 black women aged 25 to 44 years with a BMI of 25-34.9 kg/m2. At baseline, participants were mostly employed and low-income, almost half of the sample reported a diagnosis of hypertension 12% reported a diagnosis of diabetes/prediabetes. Participants were randomized either to usual care group or to a 12-month intervention group.
Should you find yourself in a disaster, helping others is most likely not your first thought. The more rational probe for a way to survive safely, they usually worry about themselves first, and others second. In the Novel Hiroshima by John Hersey, even though many of the main characters are hurt, run to assist others. Mrs. Hatsuyo Nakamura, Reverend Kiyoshi Tanimoto, and Father Wilhelm Kleinsorge, who were in the thick of it lacked any authentic reason to help others, yet they still made the effort to try. The disaster that befell Hiroshima was an atrocity, however, it did bring the community closer. Compassion in all forms, enthralls those who have nothing to gain to help others, regardless of the repercussions or sacrifices.
In Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible, many characters were drastically affected by the traumatic trials and executions happening in Salem. One such character was Reverend Hale. Reverend Hale began as a well-respected and confident witch hunter but ended as a disillusioned man filled with guilt over the death of innocent people.
The Trio program is a program that is funded by Elgin Community College. Provides opportunities for academic development, help students with basic college requirements, and motivate students toward the successful completion of their postsecondary education. In the trio program a faculty member accepted to be interviewed the member was a manager for the Student Support Services their name was Steve Aguilar. Going deeper into what the trio is and what the program can do for students. The trio program has many great opportunities for students.
Obesity was significantly more prevalent amongst female African Americans in this community. With the highest rate affecting women between the ages of 45 to 64. Obesity was also higher amongst Black females who’s educational attainment was lower
Recruited were a total of 28 African-American women to participate in this faith-based weight loss study by word of mouth, fliers in the church, and pastoral encouragement. Inclusion criteria included ages 18 to 80, self-identified as African-American, female, at least 25% above ideal body, and in reasonable health. However, the researcher randomized only 16 women; 8 into the faith intervention group and 8 into the control group.
However, due to the United States’ aging population, along with an increasing prevalence of obesity, diabetes is on the increase. Of the approximately 313 million population count in the United States, 97 million adults are overweight or obese. “Both excess body fat and physical inactivity predispose to type 2 diabetes. Several ethnic groups are particularly susceptible to Type 2 diabetes” (Scott 1134). Hispanics, blacks,
The data has shown that there is an ongoing problem with obesity in DeSoto County and many counties in Florida. The State of Obesity, reports that Florida 's adult obesity rate is 26.4 percent, up from 20.7 percent in 2004 and from 11.4 percent in 1990("Florida", 2014). In 2011 for DeSoto County, the percentage of obese females was in the worst 25% of all counties at 44%, while the percentage of obese males was in the middle 50% of all counties at 38.2%. The national average in 2011 was 36.1% for females and 33.8% for males. Excess weight is considered to be one of the major causes and determinates of future health problems. These problems include diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease among others. These issues cut across race, gender and age. If you are a black person aged 45-64 you are more likely to either have one of the diseases attributed to obesity or have the highest risk of developing one of these diseases. There is some good news among the data when it comes to children, the CDC reports that between 2008 and 2011 Florida 's rate fell from 14.1% to 13.1%, a statistically significant decrease according to the CDC analysis. The goal is to continue in this same direction by focusing on the education and intervention of children so they do not become a member of this statistical population and eventually fall into
Obesity has become a major problem here in America. Although millions of American’s are affected by it, from all levels of society, the biggest problem seems to be focused with low-income families.
According to one of my classmates where he resides Hispanic and African-American people who resides in the Bexar, Texas area obesity which is a condition that involves an accumulation of too much body fat to an extent that it will negatively affected someone’s health. There are lots of things that give to obesity like too many calories, lack of exercise and physical activity and in some cases its simply genetic. Obesity in this area is a public health problem because of cost and the effects on health. It increases the chances of getting diseases like, “hypertension, high cholesterol, coronary heart disease, stroke, Type 2 Diabetes, sleep apnea, and some cancers. It is estimated that African-Americans 39.7 and Hispanics are 29.00 percent of
An estimated 97 million adults in the United States are overweight or obese (Klein 2000). “"Affecting one in five Americans – or more than 22 percent of the U.S. population – obesity is one of the most pervasive health problems in our nation right now," said George L. Blackburn, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of surgery and associate director of the Division of Nutrition at Harvard Medical School/Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts. "We need to implement steps to slow the progression of this national epidemic” (NAASO 1999). But the problem of obesity does not only affect the United States. "We now know that the growing prevalence of obesity is creating major health problems worldwide," said Dr. James O. Hill, president of the North American Association for the Study of Obesity (NAASO) and Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. Obesity was once regarded as unique to Americans, but it is now seen as a global health risk affecting developing and underdeveloped countries (AOA 2000). Obesity is increasing at an epidemic rate in the United States - 1.3% a year for women over 20. Rates of obesity among minority populations, including African-Americans and Hispanic Americans are especially high (AOA 2000). There is also a marked increase in obesity among children.
Obesity has become increasingly more prominent in American society. The Unites States has even been termed an overweight nation. Some twenty to thirty percent of American adults are now considered obese (Hwang 1999 and Hirsch et al 1997). With this in mind, Americans constantly look around themselves determining their weight status as well as that of those around them. While some Americans do fit the healthy category, others enter the underweight, overweight, and even obese categories, all of which can be unhealthy.
Fried chicken, mash potatoes and collard greens mixed with fatback meat was my family’s favorite Sunday meal. Soul food, as it has been called, is valued by many African American families. Given the worldwide obesity epidemic that appears to be affecting most ethnic groups, there is an appreciation that the causes of obesity among African American families and others must lie in the fundamental aspects of the food supply (Capers, C et al. 2011). In my opinion, African Americans in the United Sates are more likely to be obese because there is a large number of low-income families’ and many are uninsured. According to the Office of Minority Health, African American women have the highest rates of being obese compared to other groups in
African American women have the highest prevalence of being overweight and obese in the United States, at 82%. A primary goal of Health People 2020 is to eliminate health disparities for populations that are at higher risk of developing chronic conditions related to obesity, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers. Contributing health factors that cause obesity, such as decreased physical activity, stress, and poor nutrition, is also an area of focus. Church is a long-standing source of support for African American women and is a good place to promote faith-based healthy lifestyle programs (Kyryliuk, Baruth, &
Well, how about we stop blaming and we do something about it. If anyone has the power, it starts with you and it starts with me. It starts with us. Not tomorrow, but now. Right this second. So many of us crave love, but we do everything in our power to try to destroy it. We do everything in our power to find everything, but love. We search for fulfillment in temporary things. Love is way deeper than the surface. It is much deeper than something that comes and goes. I am not sure what it is, but I know what it is not. Love thrives in the foundation of its roots, and you cannot create it if you don't search for its layers deep in the soil—way beyond what is seen. You are always, always searching for better and better and never content with what you have because you don't pick what you have with your soul. If you would even entertain something that is not the best for your soul, you are settling. That is why I don't believe in options. I wouldn't even know where to begin to try and divide my soul, giving parts of it to different people. I would never be fulfilled. Love never left. We have left it. If you pay attention, you'll
More specifically, the family-based program ‘The Bright Bodies’ that combines nutrition education, behaviour change and supervised physical activity has shown to have positive clinical outcomes, improving BMI, body composition and insulin sensitivity, which were maintained over a 12-months period (Savoye, Shaw, Dziura et al., 2007; Whitlock et al., 2008).