
The Short Happy Life Of Francis Macomber

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Contempt Leads to Murder “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber” is a short story by Ernest Hemmingway. In the story Francis and his wife Margot Macomber take a vacation and participate in a safari in Africa, an expedition led by a man named Robert Wilson. The story involves themes of control, beauty and wealth and how they affect the married couple within society. The conflicts that this couple experience are never resolved. The story is a sad commentary about how a marriage, which is supposed to be full of love, can actually be an arrangement of convenience. He wants Margot for her beauty and the social status that it brings. She wants Francis for his money and the social status that wealthy people enjoy. Because this marriage …show more content…

Blythe and Sweet concur in their review “In fact, evidence suggests that Wilson deliberately engineers the death of Francis Macomber in order to gain leverage on Margot Macomber and protect the only thing in life Wilson truly values, his job” (305). He could have achieved this in a number of ways. On many occasions he attempts to boost the confidence of Macomber by complementing his shooting techniques. Almost as though he was trying to bring about the changes in Macomber that his wife Margot is so deathly afraid of near the end of the story. Changes that he knows that Margot just would not be able to deal with. Just before they go off to kill the wounded buffalo, he leaves the lighter weight Mannlicher rifle with Margot, a gun that she would more likely be able to shoot properly. Did he think she would actually shoot her husband? Probably not. Perhaps he did have the notion that she might have been planning on shooting him at some point so why not give her every opportunity? Wilson was trying to protect his career after he let it slip to her that it was illegal to chase down the buffalo using the cars. Robert Wilson was deeply afraid of losing his livelihood because of this woman and he knew that he would have to destroy the power that Margot held over him. All Robert Wilson really knows is how to deal with dangerous and deadly creatures, Margot was no

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