
The Shroud Of Color Summary

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In a time where respect and quality of life was determined by factors predetermined and out of the control of any one person skin color ruled all. Based solely on what a person looked like not how they carried themselves or their ideals but their complexion was the basis for societal standing as to whether you were or weren’t important. “The Shroud of Color” by Countee Cullen is about a man who is ashamed of his skin color and how dark it is. This also somewhat describes the feeling of darker-skinned blacks and their outlook on life in regards to their own skin complexion. Much of what I believe today’s dark-skinned individual deals with on a daily basis is what I would consider to be forms of colorism and not as often outright racism. This …show more content…

If shroud is describing his skin this way it could be interpreted as him delving into depression as a result of life experiences breaking him down and the reason being his blackness. Due to this feeling he calls for death and wishes to no longer carry the weight, or yoke, of being a black man (Cullen). This generations black man has to deal with the weight of being just that, a black man, in many areas of his life such as his career, social standing, and the overall treatment received by others. When it comes to being a black man in the workplace there is one hurdle that is the most tiresome to overcome and that’s affirmative action and with it the notion that they are where they are not of their own merit but because they are black. This is something that is predominately stereotyped by darker individuals to light skinned people but nonetheless it effects both ends of the spectrum. Skin color shouldn’t delegate job qualifications this was something that came up when Barack Obama due to some feeling he got into Harvard based on his complexion and the school needing to meet a certain quota. “During Obama's first run for president, sources audaciously pointed out that our first black president was a light-skinned man, suggesting that he may not have been elected or had the same opportunities to be elected if he were darker-skinned.”(Jackson). Darker men aren’t taken as seriously in non-stereotypical roles of ignorance and aggression. They tend to have to work harder to prove that they too are deserving of their place in whatever profession they may have as much as their non-black or lighter skinned peer. Since stereotypically they are seen as aggressors they are treated as such, and the vicious cycle goes on to cause them to act out aggressively which then causes them to have to try even harder to prove that one instance

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