Krish Prasad AS 90852 To have a sense of belonging, is as important to us as humans as we need social interactions, without belonging we would be like a man in solitary confinement. To belong, you don’t have to be blood-related. Belonging means that you fit in, you feel safe, you feel comfortable, you feel protected and it also means that you don’t feel unwanted. The Blind Side, The Last spin, The Outsiders and On The Sidewalk Bleeding are texts that portray the theme of belonging, written and directed by John Lee Hancock, Evan Hunter, and S.E Hinton. In this film The Blind Side, the character used to show belonging is Michael Oher He belonged to hurt village, but he didn’t want to because of what kids his age were doing. They were into gang activity and he knew it wasn’t his lifestyle. His mother said “he’s a runner” The reason he was running was that he felt he didn’t belong that society, he …show more content…
Johnny started to stay with Ponyboy, Johnny felt as though as Ponyboy was his brother, he’d do anything for him, but they were not blood-related. Afterwards on in the story Johnny stabbed bob to save Ponyboys life which is a clear example he would do anything for him. In chapter 9 Ponyboy says “We couldn’t get along without him. We needed Johnny as much as he needed the gang” Johnny had become a part of the gang, he had a strong bond with them. If he hadn’t belonged, he would have been living on his own and he would have no friends, no social interactions. S.E Hinton wanted to his understand you don’t have to be blood-related to belong, the Greasers the gang was not much of a gang rather than a big family. Just like in the previous story Michael Oher wasn’t blood-related but the family took him in like their own, and in this Johnny belonged to this
Johnny had to kill Bob to save Ponyboy because there was no other way around. He couldn’t have stopped them because they were drunk and looking for a fight. (pg 44 and 55) He couldn’t have fought them without a weapon because it would have been a one on five.(pg 55) He had to stab Bob to make them stop because they wouldn’t have run away. They would have drowned Ponyboy.(pg 56 and 57) To save himself and his friend, the defendant had to stab Bob. It made them scared and run away because they had the sole thought of harming both of them so Johnny had to act fast before he was going to be killed along with Ponyboy.
Ponyboy is a very good friend. He has a friend named Johnny who is also a greaser. Johnny is going through so much throughout the story. He runs away from his home because he heard his mother and father fighting like they always do. He goes to the park and he says, “I can’t take much more. I’ll kill myself or something.” Johnny hated that his parents fought so much and he didn’t want to be around it. His parents were neglectful and abusive, both
John Lee Hancock’s “The Blind Side” explores a diverse range of aspects and notions of belonging through the techniques presented in the text. The characterization of the central character Michael Ohers being a big illiterate black African American teenager coming from a broken home and family sets the context for the rest of the film where he is faced with many barriers restricting his comfort and pushing him towards his total disengagement from the “White” Society. After the Touhy’s accept Michael into their home, he begins his long path transitioning from the old “Big Mike” to the new Michael Ohers. The barriers that Michael is faced with include the school he goes to and the environment he is residing in being a new experience to him
A piece of evidence that shows Johnny’s strength is, “Johnny yelled, ‘Shut up! We’re going to get you out!”’(Hinton 92). This is after Johnny kills the soc, and Johnny and Ponyboy are hiding out in the church. When they return to find the church on fire, they run in a save the kids that are in the church. In the fire Johnny gets hit in the back with a piece of wood, and he is then hospitalized. Sadly while he is the hospital, the gang realizes he is gonna pass. So when the greasers win the rumble, the big fight between the greasers and socs, Ponyboy goes to see Johnny. Since Johnny knows he is dying, he says, “Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold”(Hinton 148). While Johnny and Ponyboy were hiding in the church, they watched a sunset. Johnny thought the sky was so pretty and he wished it could stay like that forever. So, Ponyboy recites a poem about how nothing gold/perfect can stay. When Johnny is dying he says this to Ponyboy in regards to Ponyboy’s sensitive side. Johnny and Ponyboy understand each other so well because they are the only very emotional guys in the gang. Johnny does not want Ponyboy to lose his sensitive side just because he is the only very emotional guy in the gang. Finally Johnny becomes more outgoing. In the fire Ponyboy describes his attitude as, “He wasn’t scared either. That was the only time I can think of when i saw him without that defeated, suspicious look in his eyes”(Hinton 92). Johnny’s
Ponyboy talks about Johnny’s parents, “His father was always beating him up, and his mother ignored him”(12). Johnny’s parents are always mauling and berating him, so he stays away from home as much as he can. The gang treats Johnny like a younger brother and cares for him because his parents
Johnny was the pet of the gang. He was always tagging along about following them. Johnny always stayed with the greasers because he could have not stayed with his parents. If he did his parents would either be fight with him or hitting him. “I think I like it better when the old man’s hitting me” (51).
To further explain, Johnny was very injured in the fire. He might even die, as he is suffering a broken back and 3rd degree burns. As a final point, when Johnny saves the kids, Ponyboy is very scared and upset as a
He sacrifices himself to save his friends and innocent children, and also shows no regret for it, despite losing his own life, shown in his dialogue ‘It’s worth saving those kids, their lives are worth more than ours’ (page 216) This demonstrates that he no longer fears death and that he feels that his life was not wasted because he saved the children. Johnny also ran into the church with Ponyboy, demonstrating that he would do anything at the side of his friends. This helps the reader to understand many of the key themes in the novels, as it shows that the bond that the gang shares is stronger than any other bond they
Right after the socs ran away when Johnny killed Bob, Johnny said to Ponyboy “’I killed him,’ he said slowly. ’ I killed that boy.’" (Hinton PDF 49)He was in shock that he did that but he later expressed that he had no other choice but to kill him. He felt that he deserved it for jumping him not one but two times.
Johnny is the gang's pet, everyone loves him especially Dally. Once Johnny passes Dally does not know what to do with himself. The gang is Johhny family. “He was the gang's pet, everyone's kid brother.”(12) The gang loves Johnny he is like a little brother to the gang.
Johnny caused major impacts on Ponyboy throughout the novel, this becomes most apparent when he stabbed a soc named Bob. Because of this, him
Early in the book Johnny shows that he is shy. But also brave and not scared to stick up for his friends. The Socs jumped Johnny and Ponyboy. They started to drown Ponyboy. Johnny defended him by stabbing Bob. Later, Pony discussed with Johnny, “You really killed him, huh Johnny?’ ‘Yeah.’ his voice quavered slightly. ‘I had to they were drowning
Johnny was the one that needed his friends the most, with a dad that beat him, and a mom that ignored him, until she needed something to yell at, then she yelled at him so loud Ponyboy could hear it from down the street. Due to this abusive relationship with his parents, Johnny needed something, or someone to fall back on, this was the gang, including Ponyboy, Sodapop, Darry, Two-Bit, Dally, and Steve. Johnny often slept over at Ponyboy's when life at home was especially hard, and Ponyboy even claimed "He would have ran away a million times if we weren't there"
This quote shows perfectly what inner loyalty should look like. Johnny was loyal by killing Bob to save Ponyboy, but he also did it for himself. He says in the quote that they were gonna beat him up. Johnny saved himself, and also saved Ponyboy knowing well that he needed to be loyal to himself before anything. Another great example of loyalty shown in this book was in the beginning when Ponyboy was getting jumped, and all of the gang members came to save him. The Greasers new well that if they went in to fight off those Socials to save Ponyboy, that they could risk getting a serious injury or death. Any one of those Socials could have pulled out a blade and killed someone, but the Greasers had the confidence and loyalty to go in there to save Ponyboy. "You take up for your buddies no matter what they do. When you're in a gang, you stick up for the members." (Chapter 2, Hinton)
Self-identity allows you to be your own individual person; it allows you to fit in with certain groups. However being a teen and trying to develop a self-identity of your own is very difficult. In Evan Hunter story "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" the theme of self-identity and its cause and effects have been explored. This will be shown through an analysis of why Andy joined the gang, the reasoning of why the bystanders did not assist, and Andy's thoughts about the identity he has chosen towards the end of the story.