
The Sign of Four Summary Essay

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The Sign of Four takes place in London in 1888. It started with the circumstance in which Edward Watson watches Sherlock Holmes inject cocaine three times a day for the past several months. Edward Watson is afraid to ask Holmes to stop using them. Finally, he got the courage and told him to stop taking them but Holmes simply told him that it elucidate his lethargic mind. Then Ms. Morstan comes to Sherlock Holmes and explains her unusual situation. Her father was in India. He sent a letter to his daughter saying that he had a twelve months leave and was coming home. She went to go meet him but he was not there. The hotel he stayed at said that he was staying there, but had left and had not yet come back. A few years later, there was an …show more content…

Right before his father died, he told his twin brother, Bartholomew, to give Mrs. Morstan her share of the treasure. Major Sholto was about to tell his sons about the treasure but the man with the wooden leg appeared and Major Sholto died of instant fear. The twin sons of the late Major Sholto had conflicts of dividing the treasure, and Bartholomew, who found the treasure, faced a horrible death. The two brothers made every effort to find the treasure after their father’s sudden death but weren’t successful. However, before Major Sholto’s death, Major Sholto had removed a chaplet to send to Ms. Morstan. Thaddeus proposed sending it to Ms. Morstan but Bartholomew disagreed so Thaddeus gave Ms. Morstan one pearl every year. Bartholomew found the treasure so Thaddeus contacted Ms. Mortan so they could go together to claim their shares. When they arrived late at Pondicherry Lodge, they discovered that Bartholomew was dead with a poisoned thorn darted in his skin. The box of treasure had been stolen and the note saying “the sign of four”. Holmes decided after examining that there were two people in the room, one with small feet and one with a wooden leg. He immediately got a dog to trace these people which led the men to the water which was where the men took a steam launch named the Aurora. Jonathon Small revealed the secret of the Sign of

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