The Silver Linings Playbook is an American comedy-drama film written and directed by David O' Russell, which was adapted from the novel “The Silver Linings Playbook” written by Matthew Quick. This is a story of a mentally ill man who had bipolar disorder played by one of the famous American actor; Bradley Cooper. In this movie, Bradley Cooper is known by the movie name Pat. After returning back from a psychiatric institution, Pat moves back to his parent’s house to learn how to live a normal life without his former wife who has left him, but he determined to win back his estranged wife. However, Pat meets a recently widowed Tiffany Maxwell, who lost her husband on car accident and that character was portrayed by Jennifer Lawrence, who promise
The movie ‘Silver Linings Playbook’, filmed in 2012 and directed by David O. Russel, follows the life story of Pat Solitano, a former teacher who is released from a mental insituation and places significant importance on his getting his life back togther. Over the film’s course, it becomes apparent that Pat suffers from Bipolar Disorder.
Silver linings playbook is written by Matthew Quick, an author Camden New Jersey. This book is a humorous fiction and has a release date of September 2nd, 2008. The book is about a mentally unstable adult who was recently sent home to live with his parents after being in a mental health facility. Pat, the man character, loses everything, his job, his wife, and his family. He is sent there after beating his wives lover almost to death. Although his wife is cheating on him he still will do anything he can to stay with her. Pat loses his job while he is away because this is where both his wife and her lover work. The school where they all work at does not want any of these problems to come into the work place. His father will no longer talk to him because he is ashamed of him, he is disappointed of what he has done. Pat is not the only one with a mental health problem in his family, his father has many outbreaks mostly related to football. He is obsessed with football and when the team he does not want to win wins, he has a habit of breaking things. Although Pat and his family have gone thorough had times there is always a silver lining to be found. That is what Matthew Quick wants to prove with his theme of a silver lining can be found in
After watching the movie, Get a Clue!, and reading the book, The Westing Game, I believe that the book was a lot more entertaining and easier to understand. Although both the movie and book had similar plots, they were very, very diverse. The movie made many changes to the story, including writing it in Turtle’s point of view, and changing the characters’ personalities. It made the movie hard to follow.
“It’s not what you have, it’s what you don’t have that counts.” (Raskin, p. 43 ) Mysteries go out of their way to try and confuse the reader. The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin is no exception. In the past two months, GLMS sixth graders have tried to solve the murder of Sam Westing. After reading the novel, students then watched the movie version. The movie really used the “don’t have” portion of the opening quote by eliminating many details. The Westing Game book and movie contain many similiarities and differences that are worth exploring.
Many individuals have the power to alter their perception, but many people have disorders to comfort and confront their psychological perspectives. In the film, Silver Linings Playbook, directed by David O. Russell explains how psychological disorders are maintained within Pat and Tiffany, and explaining their theoretical personalities to three sub categories: psychodynamic, biological and trait, and sociocultural. The psychodynamic perspective looks at the topographical and structural model created by Freud. In continuation, the biological perspective is based on the genetic traits, and the Big 5 personality traits. Finally, I'll discuss the sociocultural perspective which a based on the environment factors in one's life. All of these perspectives
The film I chose to analyze is Silver Linings Playbook because I was interested in the story when I read the synopsis of the movie. I thought that this would be a simple movie where the main characters would help each other because they had something in common. Reading the synopsis, I also thought that Pat would be back together with his wife, but at the end he found another love. In the next paragraphs I will show my knowledge on what I have learned this semester. On my analysis of Silver Linings, I will give examples that has the concept of language, nonverbal communication, listening, emotions, conflict, and close relationships.
Imagine being separated into two different groups based on what side of town one lives on and what one wears, then imagine having to act a certain way when one feels a whole different way. In the book The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, there are two groups, Socs and the Greasers, they have a rivalry with each other; the Greasers are known for having bad reputations that will never go anywhere in life and are poor, while the Socs can be disrespectful to the community, but an asset to the community the next day, and with a lot of money. In the novel, S.E. Hinton includes Robert Frost’s poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay” to focus on the poem’s deeper meaning. When examining Robert Frost’s “Nothing Gold Can Stay” and S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders, one can analyze the usage of color, lost of innocence, and identity change.
In what way can two people that have grown up with the same lifestyle be so different but at the same time so similar. It seems unrealistic. However, in S. E. Hinton’s novel The Outsiders, two characters with such characteristics exist. Johnny Cade and Dallas Winston are two greasers that at similar because they both place little value on their lives and have parents who don’t give them the attention they need. Despite the similarities these two have, Dally and Johnny have their own divergence from each other such as giving different advice and getting in trouble with the law. Thus, their lifestyle and way of living Jonny Cade and Dallas Winston have some unique differences and strong similarities.
The novel The Joy Luck Club(1989) which written by Amy Tan has got a big success at that time, in the novel, it has vividly shown the difficult relationship between mothers and daughters and the life of the immigrant families. After that, the novel The Joy Luck Club has been remade the same name movie and released in 1993, which also got big succeed in this movie version. In comparison research on an individual’s preference, more audiences will prefer the movie version, because the tone, background music and the visual impact are better than the book version.
The serious effects of mental illness in America have been captured brilliantly in numerous different modern day films. Silver Linings Playbook, a film directed by David Russell, follows a frustrated love story of two mentally unstable individuals. Pat Solitan, played by Bradley Cooper, is a middle aged white adult who is recovering from a failed marriage, and has just recently returned from an eight-month stay in a psychiatric hospital after attacking his ex-wife’s new lover. He returns home to his parent’s house in the suburbs of Philadelphia, where he meets Tiffany Maxwell, played by Jennifer Lawrence. Tiffany is a young, widowed white woman who has recently lost her job and has moved back in with her parents who live in the same neighborhood as the Solitano’s. The two individuals meet one night at a dinner party, and automatically click over a lighthearted dialoged about the numerous anti-psychotics that they have been placed on. Both Pat and Tiffany display abnormal behavior throughout the film. Their journey of dealing with their mental abnormalities is at times heart-breaking, but they are able to use one another as a support system in order to get their mental conditions under control. The two individuals display unique behaviors and personality traits that can be analyzed to meet criteria in the DSM-5 for mental disorders. It can be interpreted from the film that Pat has Bipolar Disorder, and that Tiffany has
Pat is the main character in this film adaptation. The film takes the audience through Pat’s life and his denial and struggle with a mental illness. The movie starts with Pat leaving a mental rehabilitation center, for his mother got a signing from the court to bring Pat back home after eight months. It is later shown in this film, as to why Pat was committed into this hospital, for Pat had an outburst when he had found his wife having an affair and then was later diagnosed with Undiagnosed Bipolar Disorder. Although Pat is the one struggling with bipolar, his whole family is there riding along working against this, with there own issues a well. One particular scene, that was very well constructed, is where Pat has a Bipolar mania episode at three in the morning, searching for his wedding video. As a
I chose to do my analysis on the character Pat Solitano, from the movie Silver Lining Playbook. This movie is a romantic comedy that takes place in Philadelphia. This movie is about a middle-aged man who has lost everything, his job, his wife, and his house. He has spent the last eight months in a mental institution, and has recently been released to his parents. Upon entry to the mental institution Pat almost beat his wife’s lover to death. So, throughout the entire movie pat is trying to win the affection of his wife back, by trying to better himself, and show her that he has his anger under control. This is difficult because Pat’s wife has placed a restraining order on him, so he can have no actual contact with her. So, she has no
Tiffany Maxwell is a pessimistic, young lady and recently widowed. Her role throughout the film, Silver Linings Playbook, is to support co-star, Patrick Solitano Jr. rescue his broken marriage as he has recently been released from a psychiatric hospital. Tiffany was once married to a man named Tommy. She described the lasts few months of the marriage as sexually dormant and explained, “I just wasn’t into sex at all… and I was depressed…he wanted me to have kids and I have a hard enough time taking care of myself” (Gigliotti, D. Gordon, 2012). She then goes on to explain that one night, her husband drove to Victoria Secret to buy some lingerie to get something going. He was later struck by a car on the side of rode and killed.
Though the film itself strays from a typical romantic comedy, the structure of Silver Linings Playbook does not. Romantic comedies usually center on a single person’s development through the assistance of their soon-to-be partner. The theme is stated within the first ten minutes; in this case, it
The 2012 movie “Silver Linings Playbook” is a drama-romantic comedy written and directed by David O. Russell and among others, stars Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, and Robert De Niro. The film received eight academy award nominations, was nominated in all four Oscar categories, and does a fairly accurate job of portraying an individual with a bipolar disorder, who was just released into the care of his parents, and his segue back into his family and social life after eight months of clinical treatment in a mental health facility.