Religions in The World Did you know your religion isn’t the only one? There are many other religions on this Earth.Every religion has its similarities. Islam and Confucianism have the similarity that 5 is an important number. Mrs.Weisner wrote “5 is an important number in both, In Islam you pray 5 times a day. In confucianism it’s 5 Key relationship.”However, this means they have differences as well, many other religions have similarities as well. A quote from Confucius is “ It does not matter how low you go as long as you do not stop.” Furthermore, this means that you should persevere through every task no matter how hard it is, as well as another goal for Confucianism. Finally, some religions even celebrate the same thing! Diwali (light)is
The policies of classical/post-classical China Confucianism and post-classical Middle East Islam seem as though they compare similarly when it comes to how both civilizations tolerated outside religions and philosophies, however, that is not the case. The details need to be carefully examined, as the tolerance was quite different between classical/post-classical Chinese Confucianism and post-classical Middle East Islam. There are clear examples of how classical/post-classical Confucianism shunned away outside thought, as well distinct examples of how post-classical Middle East Islam transcended the issues that arise when different religions, politics, and society inhabit close quarters.
Complete the following questions in detail. Answer each question with a 1- or 2-paragraph response that includes a reference citation. Make use of Experiencing the World’s Religions and other sources in your research as you complete the questions.
Asia was shaped during the classical era by different religions that influenced it socially and politically. Confucianism and Islam are two beliefs that came about during the Classical period of China and Islam. However, they both flourished in China, and both became very different religions and philosophies. Although both beliefs possessed a few similarities, they were still two very distinct. Where the two beliefs compare in minor topics such as a caste system, they differ in beliefs as a whole. Confucianism is a philosophy, not a religion, and is a very unique idea. Whereas, Islam is in fact a religion and can be compared to the religion of Christianity.
The main Chinese religions have many key features. The main religions include shamanism/ancestor reverence, Confucianism, Daoism, Mahayana Buddhism, and idol worship. These 5 religions share some features in common. For example, Chinese popular religion focuses on the human being’s pursuit of health, wealth, and happiness in their lives (quote the textbook). Chinese popular religions want the human to be doing well and succeeding in their day-to-day activities of their lives. Another key component of the main Chinese religions is respecting one’s elders. The religions teach the importance of obeying the commands of the elders and honoring the family name. The Chinese allow place a strong emphasis on the temple. The temple is a place where the people could communicate, understand, and learn about their gods (quote the textbook). The next subsections will be describing the key religious practices of each of the 5 Chinese religions.
Hinduism, Confucianism and Buddhism are three of the world’s most distinguished belief systems of the past and for some, still in the present. The guidelines they provided influenced the social, political and religious lives of people within the societies that followed them. Hinduism emerged when the Aryans arrived in ancient India and began to combine their ideas with those of the Dravidians, the native population. One major Hindu idea was the caste system, which influenced the social lives of its followers and provided the state with political stability. Confucianism first saw an emergence of numerous followers during the Warring States period, when many philosophers were developing ideas for how to return order to China in this era of chaos. It provided political stability to the state by promoting an ethical system with several virtues and the idea that education could allow for social mobility. Buddhism originated from classical India when many people started looking for a new belief system, as they began to reject the caste system imposed by Hinduism. Buddhism had a minimal political or social impact on its followers, but instead influenced their religious lives. There is no doubt that these three belief systems significantly impacted the lives of their followers, but the manner in which they did this varied for each. Socially, Hinduism had the greatest impact with their caste system. Politically, Confucianism had the greatest impact by promoting virtues and
How can we begin to understand such a diverse and ancient religion? The width of Buddhism is immense. It is a religion without any written rules. Buddhism is based on self-discovery. Buddhists are born with the quest to find their true form. They believe that they are prisoners of the physical plain until they reach nirvana. Nirvana is the ultimate goal for a Buddhist (Buddhism, 2007). It is the state that saves them from all suffering and evil. They believe that only nirvana can remove them from the never-ending circle of life.
During Classical period (600 B.C.E - 600 C.E), religion and beliefs had a big impact on society and culture development. They helped the societies create more special characteristics, and bring social order in the societies. Hinduism in India, and Confucianism in China, both did help to influence and improve the societies deeply. Both of them introduced their moral rules, and added classes system, but they both had differences on their goals of people’s individual responsibilities, and also individuals focus.
Although Islam and Confucianism represent two totally different worldviews, they have similar characteristics, which provide a potential idea, that both can be from a common source. Mirza Tahir Ahmad, who was a Caliph in Ahmadiyya Muslim community, supported this idea in his book “Revelation, Nationality, Knowledge & Truth”. He supports his idea saying, “All humans are God’s creation; it stands to reason that God not only guided people in the Middle East through Abrahamic prophets. He also guided other people through prophets like Confucius, Buddha and Zoroaster.” His claim is based on the existence of common themes between Islamic and Confucian teachings. Another supporting evidence is that God in one of the verses of Quran in which He
Hinduism and Confucianism are two well known religions that have been around for thousands of years. they have a lot of similarities, but also some differences. Both religions are located in Asia, while Hinduism is mainly in India, and Confucianism is in China. Both religions are based around the people’s actions as well as the meaning of life, which are shown through their strict society and social structures. Even though they’re different, both religions have 3 principles or values they go by. They are two of the most peaceful religions on the planet, with both their goals being to bring order in human existence, they both look to bettering the lives of the people within them. Hinduism and Confucianism both believe very much in education and social statues, which is why they have strict policies on them. They have both influenced philosophy greatly since their existence in the early times. Overall, both Hinduism and Confucianism look for the common good that will help enforce peace and brotherhood. Their belief systems go on a basis of making their followers act accordingly, helping to run their government and set a stable mindset for its people.
heart of the Christian faith and at its source of its traditions in Scripture is
I think that it is important to study world religions because it can help people to become more tolerant of other’s beliefs and more compassionate to other people’s causes. With so much war and misunderstanding in the world based on religious viewpoints, it is important to take the time to find out where and why people believe the way that they do. While I find that most people in the world follow a religion based on their geographical location, this is not the case in the United States. Because the US is a country where people from all over the world can come to live it is a place where many different religions are practiced. It is important, especially for people in this country, to study world religions
There are a number of similarities between the eastern religions and philosophies of Confucianism, Buddhism and Hinduism. While Hinduism is centered around a supreme being, Buddhism and Confucianism are centered around the teachings of a man. Each encourages moral behavior, ethical values, such as non-violence, charity, and a respect for the universe. To better understand the philosophical similarities and differences between Confucianism, Buddhism and Hinduism, it is important first to consider the teachings of Buddha, Patanjali and Confucius in their historical context.
Confucianism and Daoism are both chinese religions. They both incorporated religious practices with daily activities in a way that it pertained to philosophy as well as religion, making the secular sacred. Confucianism was grounded in ethics and virtuous socio-political conditions. Daoism, also known as Taoism, sought to establish the proper relation between humans and the cosmos through discernment of the Tao, or Way. Confucianists are more concerned with social relationships and Taoism is of a more broader nature and more mystically oriented and more philosophical. They both focused on relationships that humans had with each other as well as the relationships that humans had with nature. They were atheistic in a sense that they had no
“It is often said that, aside from the impact of Marxism on twentieth-century China, the only other time when the Chinese looked beyond their own borders for intellectual sustenance was during the period when Buddhism was absorbed from India” (LaFleur 23). Why did this religion appeal to the Chinese when they disregarded so many other external influences? After all, being tied to the rest of the world by the Silk Road meant they were constantly inundated with novel concepts from far and wide. The answer must lie in how Buddhism interacted with the other faiths already established in the country, namely Confucianism and Daoism (sometimes spelled Taoism). While at first glance it may appear that Confucian China would be the last place
A Yiddish Proverb states, ?Everyone is kneaded out of the same dough, but not baked in the same oven? and could easily be used to describe three religions of this world. The third, fourth, and eighth largest religions when ranked by membership numbers are Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism and their individual beliefs are different which will be explored; however, these same three religions rank one, two, and three in the nontheistic religions that do not focus on belief in gods?the one area that all three are the same.