
The Similarities Between Lego Movie And Ancient Civilizations

Decent Essays

Lego Movie & Ancient Civilizations Similarities Editorial

The movie known as “The Lego Movie” has greatly demonstrated the similar characteristics of an ancient civilization in its modern times between the lego civilization in its rules and technological advancements in societies. Other similarities include social stratification, trade, a centralized government, a surplus of foods, and its religious ideals. These similarities state as to how the movie “The Lego Movie” is similar to the ancient civilizations we once had as well as the known similarity between the ancient civilizations and our modern civilizations today. The following similarities that are most similar between the ancient civilization, the lego civilization, and the modern …show more content…

The central gov’t which takes place in the ancient civilizations is not one who has unlimited power but one who is known as the leader or chief. An example of this would be of the Indus River Civilization. Like us, they had a chief. A chief whose duty is to lead his people but sadly none had known of their leaders except that he was a priest who combined their government with religion. In modern times, we have a centralized government as well but our government split into three separate powers so that there can not be one who has influential power over the entire nation. Moreover, the film “The Lego Movie” presents a similar idea. As seen in the movie, the lego world is separated into different nations or areas by a border. Unlike our idea of government, one man has the influential and absolute power of the world. This man’s name is Lord Business. Like his name, he means business. While he may hold tyrannic power, the people who are known as the “master builders” tend to not let him pass so they intended to find the person who holds the power to help them. Unlikely, his name was Emmet. He follows the society's rules or instructions to build a life which is common for him, but because he is a small point, he can change the world. From this …show more content…

A bind that entitles the people of the civilization to their social status. For example, the middle ages. The middle ages separated the people from each other. People who are entitled the status of peasant are also known as the poor. The peasants are entirely similar to those who hold the lowest rank of power. Similarly, the three civilizations hold the same process of power. The ancient civilizations held this ranking power of power as well but it was not entirely like us. Their lowest of ranks were entitled to be workers, soldiers, farmers, and builders. However, our modern day civilization is unlike our ancient civilizations that we have knowledge of. We have social classes of our own which is divided into three classes. They are divided as high class, middle class, and lower class. The fourth class which in uncommonly known is known as the poverty class or other. During the ancient civilizations, everyone was entitled with a job. Know, there are more than a few who are considered jobless. The film “The Lego Movie” is more in common with the ancient civilizations rather than our modern civilization because everyone in the film is considered a person with a job. Upon experience with the legos in today's society, there is not one who is considered a poor person. No homeless people have ever been manufactured in the legos body. From this, it is considered more likely

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