Lego Movie & Ancient Civilizations Similarities Editorial
The movie known as “The Lego Movie” has greatly demonstrated the similar characteristics of an ancient civilization in its modern times between the lego civilization in its rules and technological advancements in societies. Other similarities include social stratification, trade, a centralized government, a surplus of foods, and its religious ideals. These similarities state as to how the movie “The Lego Movie” is similar to the ancient civilizations we once had as well as the known similarity between the ancient civilizations and our modern civilizations today. The following similarities that are most similar between the ancient civilization, the lego civilization, and the modern
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The central gov’t which takes place in the ancient civilizations is not one who has unlimited power but one who is known as the leader or chief. An example of this would be of the Indus River Civilization. Like us, they had a chief. A chief whose duty is to lead his people but sadly none had known of their leaders except that he was a priest who combined their government with religion. In modern times, we have a centralized government as well but our government split into three separate powers so that there can not be one who has influential power over the entire nation. Moreover, the film “The Lego Movie” presents a similar idea. As seen in the movie, the lego world is separated into different nations or areas by a border. Unlike our idea of government, one man has the influential and absolute power of the world. This man’s name is Lord Business. Like his name, he means business. While he may hold tyrannic power, the people who are known as the “master builders” tend to not let him pass so they intended to find the person who holds the power to help them. Unlikely, his name was Emmet. He follows the society's rules or instructions to build a life which is common for him, but because he is a small point, he can change the world. From this …show more content…
A bind that entitles the people of the civilization to their social status. For example, the middle ages. The middle ages separated the people from each other. People who are entitled the status of peasant are also known as the poor. The peasants are entirely similar to those who hold the lowest rank of power. Similarly, the three civilizations hold the same process of power. The ancient civilizations held this ranking power of power as well but it was not entirely like us. Their lowest of ranks were entitled to be workers, soldiers, farmers, and builders. However, our modern day civilization is unlike our ancient civilizations that we have knowledge of. We have social classes of our own which is divided into three classes. They are divided as high class, middle class, and lower class. The fourth class which in uncommonly known is known as the poverty class or other. During the ancient civilizations, everyone was entitled with a job. Know, there are more than a few who are considered jobless. The film “The Lego Movie” is more in common with the ancient civilizations rather than our modern civilization because everyone in the film is considered a person with a job. Upon experience with the legos in today's society, there is not one who is considered a poor person. No homeless people have ever been manufactured in the legos body. From this, it is considered more likely
God like King (Romans emulated), city-state gov’t began in M.E., slavery, scientific advancements (measuring time, charting stars), temple building by Egyptian (influence Crete and Greek styles)
The Han and Roman worlds were two of the largest and most complex early empires composed of different cultures, political systems, languages, beliefs, and ways of living. However, they had a few similarities; one of which is the introduction of various technologies during the first and second millennium. The Han in China and Romans in the Mediterranean experienced a time period of expansion in which they began to develop technology such as metallurgy and water systems to aid in military conquests and practical purposes. Although both Han and Roman had definite appreciation towards technology, the Han attitude towards technology was more glorifying in its effectiveness and utility; while the roman attitude was less glorifying as they focused on technology to display their civilizations advancements, while they neglected to glorify those who worked with tools. Han’s attitude towards technology was appreciative, glorified technology when its is supported by the government, and believed technology is essential for the empire. The Roman attitude includes inferiority of tools, aestheticism as main use of technology, and less glorification and importance on technology.
There were many powerful civilizations during the post-classical era, but these civilizations grew powerful using different methods of religion, governments, and class systems. Some of these civilization share many commonalities amongst each other. The Roman Empire was copied by the Byzantine Empire in many ways, while the Chinese empires used different methods of raising its people. The religion of these civilizations would often reflect how the country would be ruled. The similarities and differences between these civilizations can be viewed though out the post-classical era.
The Lego Movie is a film that focuses on the impression of life in a Lego world but misses key concepts incorporated with Lego. At a first impression, the Lego Movie is viewed as a movie directed towards children to stir their imagination but this would be ironic to what is being portrayed in the film. By analyzing the ideas behind the movie in a sociological process, distinct themes can be connected and reflected within reality. The Lego Movie can be viewed in a functionalist perspective that is influenced by the conflict theory within the divided Lego society. To connect the sociological views to their society, one must understand how they interact and why they interact the way they do.
Have you ever wondered the difference in ancient civilizations? I am going to tell you about the differences in these civilizations; Rome, China, and Persia. Two of these places are still here, but the other was taken over and is no longer in existence. Though these places are old, they have played a big part in the growth of humanity. They have played a major part in our culture, religion, and everyday activities. Many of the things that we do today are based upon what they did way back in these times. Without Rome, China, and Persia: Do you think we would be the same as we are today? They are all different, but they have one thing in common, they helped evolve the human species.
The artworks of Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, the Aegean cultures, and Ancient Greece have similarities that not only reflect objects and images, but also the media, style and representation. These countries were not always wealthy, clever, creative and powerful enough to gain supplies, but they all find a way to create art with what they had. They have all influenced on each other’s cultures and belief through their artistic values and ways, ranging from the materials and tools they use, position and representation of their monuments and their religious intent.
The culture of a society, as determined by its political, social and religious structure, is a major factor in the development of its technology. Even societies that exist in the same time and environment can progress in different directions, depending on the interests and goals of the public. The ancient city-states or poleis (polis-sing.) of Athens and Sparta provide an excellent example of how cultural differences influence the development of technologies.
The use of LEGOs is an extraordinary thing, but it is shocking to see exactly how controversial a small toy can become. People of all ages have been found to enjoy this toy. Companies and organizations such as MIT and NASA have even found a use for them. The toy has become known as a child’s imagination tool and has not been exclusively used for adults. The documentary shows that adults come together to compete in competitions on who can create the greatest LEGO sculpture. Many people may not know just how big this toy is used around the world.
Japan and China both had social classes that helped define the people of that area, the lower one was, was the harder it was to climb up the social ladder. These social classes had specific orders that figuratively “put people in their place”. These classes dictated what one has the capability of doing over and what one’s role in society is. The commoners had the responsibility of supplying food and other goods to people that were higher then them on the social pyramid, getting paid little . The people that were at the top had an important job as well,
The ancient Egyptian and ancient Greek civilizations are two of the oldest known civilizations in our history. The Egyptian civilization, based in the eastern part of North Africa, is believed to have started around 3150 BC and continued till the end of the Pharaoh rule in 31 BC. The ancient Greek civilization is believed to have been in effect from 1100 BC till about 146 BC. Many similarities and differences existed between these two civilizations, as even though they co-existed during a certain timeframe (1150 BC to 146 BC), they were located in different geographical areas. Because of these differences in geography, both these civilizations were subjected to different kinds of exposure, which included contact with other civilization and cultural inheritance. In the political sphere, we find that the Egyptian civilization had stronger emphasis on central authority, while the Greeks had a more decentralized structure, where powers were distributed over the cities and the states as well. As far as art is concerned, we find that the Egyptians were more involved in creating great monumental and gaudy structures, while the Greeks were more involved in creating smaller, more literary pieces of art.
The axis of inequality that will be focused throughout this paper is the social class. Social class is defined as a group of individuals who are categorized according to class (i.e. poor, middle, and upper) due to their income, wealth, power, and occupation. Social class is socially constructed by the way we view how much income and wealth a person possess (Ore, 20011a, 10). In reality it is much more than that. According to the text, poverty is not only the shortage of income, but it is the rejection of opportunities and choices that leads a person to a standard way of living (Ore, 2011a, 10). Stereotyping also contributes to it being socially constructed. These stereotypes influence us by defining who is who based on their principles in each class category. This can cause some to feel worthless.
The second wave civilizations in Period 2 were different from the first wave civilizations of Period 1. They expanded out instead of staying in one geographical location and were more complex. Two of these civilizations were Imperial Rome and the Han Dynasty in China. With these two civilizations being so far apart, finding similarities between them is more difficult than finding differences. The religions, the way positions were earned, and the collapses of the Han Dynasty of China and Imperial Rome may have a few things in common, but, in the end, the differences outweigh the similarities.
Known as one of the earliest civilizations, Mesopotamia and Egypt both share set amounts of similarities along with a share of striking distinctions. Environmentally, these two civilizations were formed in similar surroundings, yet their weather patterns show distinctions. Politically, both governments derived from a monarch, yet their laws and punishments distinguished the two’s court systems. Economically, they both shared prosperous success in similar manners. Socially, although the two lands followed a hierarchy, the value of women contrasted. Culturally, they both believed in a higher order of creation; however, their views of them were polar opposites. Intellectually, these two societies developed skilled abilities and creations that
Have you ever wondered, where some of our current society’s amazing gadgets or ideas, originated? I would guess that most people would find it hard to believe that the calendar; hieroglyphics; paper; the ox-drawn plow; wigs; clocks; eye makeup; mathematical reasoning and geometry, to name a few, plus many other modern-day technologies and philosophies, can be traced to a civilization that is thousands of years old. Two of the oldest and most important civilizations known to man were the ancient Egyptian and ancient Greek civilizations. The ancient Greek civilization is the term used to describe the Greek-speaking world in ancient times, however, the dates for the beginning or end of the Ancient Greek period are not generally agreed upon.
Social class describes the different "layers" that exist in society. These "layers," or classes in society, are a division that civilization has been running on ever since the beginning of mankind. In most modern societies, our system of social class division is one of opportunity. We experience a good deal of social mobility, where people through generations or in their own lifetime can move up or down the social scale. By examining the many different perceptions of social class along with S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders, it is illustrated that social class has an impact on people while they are growing up, and will usually deny them from rising above adversity.