In the last but not least Section 8 of “The Sins of Scripture,” John Spong analyzes the writing and history that was used when writing the passages of the bible. It first talks about the Dawn of human history where it mentions the Odyssey. To me the Odyssey is quite interesting because it emphasizes how people saw themselves. The Odyssey demonstrates people who they are, what their values are and fears and anxieties. I think it is pretty interesting because often people ask themselves these sorts of questions. The Odyssey also allows people to reflect on their past and future. I find this super interesting because once in a while we wonder about our future and we think about the lessons learned in our past which has shaped us into the people …show more content…
However, to conclude Spong states an important point he describes the bible’s meaning stating that the bible defines who they are, their value and what it means to various religions to be holy. However like he said in the beginning of the book his point he made when writing the “Sins of Scripture,” was that many texts of the bible enhance violence acts that hurt children and prejudice many groups of people. He emphasizes that the church must realize to learn and accept the truth. I believe and agree with Spong’s point. I think that yes the bible is a holy book full of beautiful stories. The bible describes my faith and it is a holy book that is treated with respect however analyzing and reading the terrible texts also made me realize that there is some texts in the bible that are horrible and have a lot of violence. In church the priests do not talk about this acts rather they want to show the positive side of their faith and religion. However I feel that the bible was written in an earlier time frame and many of the ideas through many time periods have changed. Many people now think differently about certain situations and many perspectives and opinions have
Focus on the descriptions of the palaces of Nestor and Menelaus. Find quotations that describe their virtues:
The gods play an important part in Odysseus’ journey home, bringing him closer and farther from his homeland. They constantly intervene in the lives of the many characters in The Odyssey. Though Odysseus is a hero, the gods control his life. It is as if he were the main character in a video game and the gods are fighting over who controls his life. Personal responsibility is overshadowed by the gods’ eagerness to grab the controller.
This essay is about temptation in the Odyssey, more specifically temptation and its role in the book. Showing how food displays everyday temptation and how Odysseus recklessness causes his own troubled journey home.
The Odyssey is filled with emotion and adventure. Homer’s ability to show and give the reader a visual of each and every scene gives the story its unbelievable significance. To all the people who read his work there is something to be captured within every sentence, each one different in its own, unique way. Through tales of courage and defeat, friendship and love this book tells of all the values within the life of a single, solitary man, and his journey to attain what is true and dear to him. And this journey is known to all of us as The Odyssey. The Odyssey is a test of human devotion and trust through the gods, the mortals, and the obstacles through which they venture. No matter where they go or what they do, humans are tested for
One of the most prominent themes of Hesiod's works of literature is the moral decay of the characters conveyed within them. Most if not all of the characters within his stories experience a change within character, moral standing and various religious behaviors to express the evolution of the individual within the given situation. There are many great examples of this ideology portrayed in the novel “The Argonautika” such as the goddess Medea and the heroic hero of the new age, Jason.
The Book of Job and The Odyssey are stories in which two men experience extremely trying times and attempt to navigate their ways’ through it. They face obstacles daunting to anyone such as a cyclops that imprisons Odysseus and his men in a cave and tries to eat them. Odysseus does whatever he can to overcome the obstacles in his journey. Job is faced with watching his entire family and livestock die from natural disasters and marauders, seemingly out of nowhere. Job does what he knows best to overcome his journey. Both Odysseus and Job eventually make it through their journeys, and receive happy endings. They do it in very different ways however. This is because they have differing beliefs on destiny. Here in lies the most significant difference between Odysseus and Job. Odysseus believes his destiny is in his hands and in suit does whatever it takes to control his destiny. In contrary, Job believes his destiny is in the hands of God, so he places his faith and goodwill with God. This essay will examine the differing beliefs in destiny between Odysseus and Job as well as their drastically different behaviors that support this claim.
The Bible is the best-selling book of all time, and with good reason. For the stories written in it have changed the way many think and even believe when it comes to the power greater than this world. The Bible holds very specific opinions on things such as slavery, who humans should treat each other, and ultimately social justice. It has been one of the most important foundations for allowing social reform to occur in modern day history as well as the history of the whole world. However, it is forgotten in history class how prominent the ancient texts have changed the people. When looking at the history, it is discovered to be the strength of great people who have used its wisdom to bring about a change for those who could not do it on
For centuries in literature, philosophers studied the idea of virtue to demonstrate the uphold of moral excellence and righteousness within characters. Eventually becoming a staple in Western literature, virtue can be described as the balance and imbalance of qualities specified by the philosopher Plato. He thought much of virtue, and eventually defined it according to the four criteria: courage, prudence, temperance, and justice. Plato portrayed courage as the showing of bravery in the midst of danger, prudence is one’s ability to show good judgment and to put other’s needs before their own; temperance is a person’s knowledge of when to show restraint and justice is when one gives to others what is owed to them. These characteristics not
The Odyssey is a story made up of stories. Because there is very little action that happens in the present, the presence of storytelling within the Odyssey is something that characterizes it and makes it unique. The spreading of stories serve to form legends and myths that can have the effect of shaping a culture. In addition, since stories were such an important aspect of entertainment in Greek culture, stories also shape the audience, either by entertaining them or creating feelings of sympathy in them. The function of storytelling in the Odyssey, is to evoke emotions and leave powerful, lasting impressions on the audience. However, the stories that are told
The Odyssey is still important today because it develops complex reading skills, teaches ancient Greek culture, and teaches virtues and values. There have been many Greek stories written in history, but The Odyssey is one that has stood out for
While researching articles and websites about the Bible’s influence on the world, I found several quotes and studies of what people thought about the Bible and how it changed the world we live in today. The Bible was written in the 6th century, but it wasn’t released until 1611 because people would think it would be offensive to their own religion. The Bible can teach you about anything in life, people don’t understand how powerful the Bible is and how much it helps you through life and help pass your goals all you have to do is read and study it. The Bible was made to show people how to live a good life and how to be accepted in heaven by doing what it tells you and just believing in it. The King James Bible changed society in a good way because the people didn’t have to rely on the priest, they could read it for themselves, and also have their own opinion.
The Odyssey is an epic about Ancient Greek culture written by Homer. This is one of the two major Greek poems. Odysseus is on a long journey back to Ithaca after the fall of Troy. The most valued life traits in an Ancient Greek culture is respect. Odysseus helps portray this by worshiping gods through the epic.
Human beings tend to be wonderful travelers, traders IN ADDITION TO colonizers. your mythical tales of nearly just about all cultures tell tales of a trials AND tribulations associated with travel ALONG WITH exploration, just like anyone connected with “Ulysses” in Homer’s “Odyssey”. Surely, one of your tribulations connected with ranging outward from the house is usually earlier or maybe later You\'ll encounter a person that do not speak your current language, nor an individual theirs. a number of parts of a world, i will not be asked to travel farther in comparison with your current subsequently door to search for languages disconnect and also other part my spouse
Chapter 1- Ten years after the Trojan War, everyone reached home except for Odysseus. He remained a hostage at Ogygia by Calypso. Meanwhile, Telemachus (Odysseus’s son) is told by Athena, disguised as Mentes, that his father will return home and tells him to dispel the suitors who keep devouring his father’s estate.
The bible was written as an account of what many viewed that God had accomplished so his actions and words could be passed on for generations. Some believe it is a literary account and some believe it is a historical account. The word of God in the bible comes in many forms and is left up to interpretation by the reader. Some believe that the word of God should be the only word and should be strictly followed. Some believe that the words are meant as a guideline to help us through life. Whatever your belief is you can always seem to find the meaning behind your belief through the word of God in the Bible.