Title:The size of a plant versus the depth
Research Question:Does the size of common garden seeds affect the relation of their ideal burial depths?
On my experiment I will planted different types of garden seeds ( which are different sizes ) at different depths, and with this in mind I will determine how the grow of each seed is affected.
Background Information:
We all consider the amount of sun our plants need to grow healthy. We care about the amount of water we put to our plants. We always have those subjects in mind but we sometimes forget that there are other factors to help a plant grow at their fullest. For example, the depth can influence the plant 's growth ,but because of the different sizes of seeds it’s difficult to determine how deep each seed needs to be planted.
To further understand the relationship between the size of the seed and its proper planting depth you would have to fully comprehend the term of seed germination process. In short terms seed germination is the process in which the seed starts developing into what would be a plant .The process starts off when the the seed starts adapting to its location, which would allow it to start growing. Later, if the seed is well adapted its hard outer covering or seed coat will break. When water has been added to the soil and reaches the seed then the seed observes the water, which is known as imbibition. The water provides needed proteins to the seed allowing it to further continue its growing process.
The experiment was begun by obtaining four 8 oz. Styrofoam cups and punching a hole through the bottom of them. This hole was for water entry or excess water drainage. Moistened soil was packed to the 1/2 full line in the cup along with 3 fertilizer pellets The cups were labeled the following: Rosette-H20, Rosette-GA, Wild-Type-H2O, and Wild-type- GA.(Handout 1) A small wooden applicator stick was obtained a moistened at the tip with water from the petri dish labeled ‘water.’ This was to be able to attract the seed to the applicator in order to place the seed from its original container into
The results observed do not correspond with the outcome predicted by the hypothesis. Despite the nature of the subjects of the experiments, no substantial growth was observed. Only one seed of the 36 planted germinated, and it could only survive for a period of a week. The one seed that germinated reach a height of 1.2 cm. Table 1 presents the average growth observed in each quad. Each quad had a total of 12 seeds. No seeds were removed during the course of the experiment.
The low-density radish-collard mix pots contained four seeds of radishes and four seeds of collards. The high-density radish-collard pots contained 32 seeds of each species. While our group replicated this 3x2 design four times to total 24 posts, we incorporated the whole class data. Therefore, there were 16 replicates for each treatment. For each pot, we filled soil up until about one inch from the top. We placed the seeds in the pot and piled on around 2 or 3 cm of soil on top. In 3 species levels, seeds were spaced as evenly as possible. In the mixed species pot, the two species were alternated so that each one had the same access to space and nutrients at the other. For each pot, we wrote down our section number, group name, and the contents of the pot. Our group worked at the first bench in the greenhouse and also contained our pots that were spread out evenly in four rows. Our pots stayed in the greenhouse for about five weeks, captured as much sunlight as they could, and got their water source from sprinklers that automatically came on twice a
This experiment was performed to give a better idea of interspecific competition and intraspecific competition between radish seeds and wheat seeds at high and low densities. By planting two species only pots and two combined species pots our results showed that the radish seeds performed better at both interspecific and intraspecific competitions and concluded that the lower the pot density the more resources and growth. 32 radish seeds were evenly planted in pot A1 followed by 32 wheat seeds planted in pot A2 and 16 of each radish and wheat seeds combined (32 total) planted in pot AB1. We repeated this procedure again but this time planting 96 radish seeds evenly in pot A2, 96 wheat seeds in pot B2 and 48 of each radish and wheat seeds combined (96
The seed that was planted in a polluted area did not grow a centimeter. It clearly shows the wide gap of plant’s height that grew in an area where it is unpolluted and polluted. The 14 centimeters of the height of a plant that grew in an unpolluted area shows that it was benefited by the cleanliness of the area than the plant that was greatly affected by the area that is polluted. According Jirage, 2008, there are essential factors that contributes to the growth of plants. One of these essential factors is minerals, which the plant that grew healthy received these minerals and the other plant that did not grow didn’t receive these minerals.
All five groups recorded the outcomes that they established. For our bench, we found that nine raddish seeds in the control dish, zero raddish seeds in the eucalyptus dish, and four radish seeds in the lemon dish germinated and sprouted. Our bench also found that the average seed length for the control was thirty one millimeters, for the Eucalyptus was zero. and for the Lemon was eight and a half. Below, is a chart and graph that shows the whole data as averages from all five benches. Each bench did the exact same experiment so we knew nothing would be biased.
Two seeds were planted in the same garden. The arid soil gave the seeds little
Is there a significant difference in height of Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) from a light area and a dark area?
METHODS/PROCEDURES: In the beginning of the experiment, pea seeds were used in order to perform the experiment. It was extremely important to acquire good, dry, and viable seeds so the process of germination could occur. A handful of these healthy seeds worked best in assisting the experiment. The seeds ability to germinate was a vital information needed to determine the outcome of the experiment.
A Bucket full of fine grain sand that was pre-supplied, a bucket of freshly dug Compost soil from a compost pile, and orange clay that was dug from a foot under the earth’s surface will be supplied. Corn seeds and clear cups will also be supplied for the experiment that will be conducted. Clear cups and corn seeds will be supplied.
There are many ways to obtain seeds to grow flowers in the springtime, but not all seeds were created equal. Sunflower seeds, for example, can be bought at a garden store in a packet for $1.5 dollars per 6 gram packet, but they can also be found in bird seed for $3.53 dollars per 10 pounds. This experiment intends to find if the germination of a store bought packet of sunflower seeds matches the germination rate of sunflower seeds obtained from a bag of bird seed. While both seeds will germinate, it is believed that the bird seed will not be as robust in growth as the garden seed, due to the fact that the garden seed is made to be grown, while the bird seed is made for consumption.
When Major, the leader of the animals dies, Snowball and Napoleon take charge of the farm renaming it Animal Farm. While Snowball has the more level approach to ruling the farm,
Purpose: To see the effect of an acid introduced during seed germination, on the length of the plant roots. Also shows how salt can affect the seed germination. Acid can be introduced to seeds during germination if there is acid rain. Knowing the results of acid rain on seed germination will help us understand how to grow pants better, and how to have more successful germination. Salt can be introduced into a seed during germination because salt is put on roads and the salt builds up and can contaminate the soil. Knowing the effects of salt on seed germination will allow us to know for sure if the salt is affecting the plants growth or not.
I predict the seeds grown in the light will germinate twice as much as the ones grown in the dark.
A plant is any of the boundless number of living beings within the biological kingdom Plantae, these species are considered of low motility since this species generally generate their own food by sunlight. They incorporate a large group of commonplace life forms including trees, forbs, bushes, grasses, vines, plants, and greeneries. In this task we are experimenting the relationship between light and plant growth by growing plants in three different lights which are red light, blue light and white light. As I stated above that plants generate their own food by sunlight. Sunlight can be broken up by a prism into respective colors of red, blue, orange, yellow, green, indigo, violet and white. All this lights have specific