
The Skeleton Council Poem

Satisfactory Essays

Stephanie Philpott
Professor David Barrick
Writing 1000G
January 28 2015
Analytical Essay- The Skeleton Council by Katherine Leyton
The Skelton Council by Katherine Leyton was published in Volume 36 No. 4 of Contemporary Verse 2 during the spring of 2014. The poem opens on a house inhabited by a woman and a group of skeletons that meet every evening for examination. One night, the woman blinks and sees a doppelganger of herself in an empty room. The Skeleton Council by Katherine Leyton uses symbolism, imagery, and style to express the oppressive nature of family secrets and their distortive and obsessive effects on the narrator.
In The Skeleton Council, Leyton uses the skeletons as a symbol for the family secrets that plague the narrator. …show more content…

The first half of the poem is comprised of a more complex syntax than the second half. The sentences in the first half are longer, averaging 3 lines each and use a more descriptive diction with words such as “anxious”(line 3), “encouraging”(line 5), and “sideboards”(line 2). This heavier style brings forward an oppressive element as the meaning is trapped behind dense language. In the second half, the style becomes more simplistic with sentences averaging 1-2 lines and word choice becoming more concise. This change in style clearly presents the meaning in the second half taking away the oppressive atmosphere and reinforcing the distortion of the narrators’ feelings.
In The Skeleton Council by Katherine Leyton, the symbolism of skeletons as well as the juxtaposition that imagery and style form with the narrator’s feelings are utilized throughout the poem. These elements help to express the oppressive nature of un-earthed secrets in the narrator’s life and the distortive and obsessive effects they have on

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