Welcome to Century Middle School! We have read three articles about the Mayan and Mexican Cultures. The first one is “Digging out a lost city’s secrets”, which is about scientists discovering three new chambers in a tunnel that was discovered a few years ago in Mexico, which holds many important and interesting artifacts. The second one is “Skeleton dating back to ice age sheds light on Native American origins”. This one is about scientists discovering a skeleton hidden in an underwater cave, which leads to the discovering important information about how humans got to the New World. The last one is “Traditional turns into trendy in Guatemala's finest clothing shops”. This last one is about how traditional mayan textiles are becoming more …show more content…
First and foremost, The Skeleton one is not only stimulating , but educative too. The article has lots of details and facts. “her cheeks were narrow and her forehead very high” will be one of the facts that will be thrown at you. It starts off with info on the skeleton, which melts into more facts about her society, which leads to facts about what the world was like back then, which heads you into ...sorry. If I went on I would spoil everything. Second, it constantly leaves you with wanting to know more. Such as, at the end of the paragraph “Saber Toothed Cats, Giant Sloths” , the text states”Naia’s discovery may help end the debate over how humans came to inhabit the New World”. This is a statement that makes you want to keep reading, because you are marveling how the discovery as common as a skull can lead to this big of a solution. Lastly, that you should read this is because it’s creepy. I don’t know about you, but I kind of like reading about the weird/creepy stuff, because it makes you wonder what's really out there. Anyway, this article has plenty of that, for example in paragraph 3, the text states”Divers quickly spotted her her skull as they swept the chamber with flashlights”.Dark underwater chambers? cool. This creepy mood of the article makes you think about how little stuff we actually know about the world. These reasons are why
The three articles that are featured in this essay are Traditional Turns into trendy in Guatemala’s finest clothing shops, and Skeleton dating back to the ice age sheds light on native American origins, and finally Digging out a lost cities secrets. The Traditional Turns into trendy in Guatemala’s finest clothing shops article is about todays come back in old cultural Mayan and ancient clothing and shoes and how many people are getting a part of this back coming trend. The second article, Skeleton dating back to the ice age sheds light on native American origins is about scientists finding a cranium in an underwater cave in 2007. They discovered that the ancient bones were around 12,000 to 13,000 years old. It also tells you about how there
What happened to the Mayan civilization before it mysteriously collapsed is still a mystery, but heart-stopping achievements were made. Throughout 3000 years the Native tribe of the Maya inhabited México, Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras until the Spanish arrived. They were so secluded from anyone else, that they could not learn information from other tribes and they came up with all ideas themselves.(BGE) Trade routes, the creation of beautiful cities, establishing the number system and developing three calendars we all breathtaking achievements accomplished by the Mayan culture. Using scale, effort, genius, and significance four achievements will be argued about which was the most remarkable. Obviously the development
At 4 pm, in a certain park, 2 skeletons were found lying side by side behind the bushes. It was concluded that the two were a couple because they were holding hands whilst the skull was facing each other. A femur, pelvic girdles, skulls, tibia, and humerus were taken from each of the skeleton and observations were made to identify their gender, race, age, and height. One is a female, and the other was a male, also the skeletons pretty much remained intact from being undisturbed however, a few of the hand or feet bones can be found lying a little further off perhaps due to the scattering of birds.
Night focus’ on the journey of a young, 15 year old boy named Elizer, and his movement from concentration camp to camp. In Night, an autobiography by Elie Wisel, the purpose is to inform the readers of the hardships of the heinous holocaust. Through negatively connotated figurative language and religious perspective, he emphasizes the emotional pain the prisoners endured.
The Mayan people of the Yucatan Peninsula have endured great changes over their history, but many changes have occurred more recently as documented in the book by Cindy Hull. During a study in which she lived in Yaxbe for several decades, Hull examined the effects that this change has had on the people of the village and the Mayan people at large. Initially, Hull found that much was different about living with the people because she was used to the US Midwest. She was not used to the diet or to the family structure she found among the people, but she quickly adjusted to the changes and became a member of the village. Her task while she was there was to discover the social structure of the clan and how the culture has changed over time. She conducted a longitudinal study (one in which she became an integral member of the tribe) because she wanted to understand the people from a basal level. She believed that, despite the differences to what she experienced in her normal life, that the hardships she would face would get her closer to understanding the culture she was studying.
Both France and England sent colonists to the Americas to profit their homeland, but when France and England colonies fought against each other in the seven years' war most of the native Americans chose to ally with France. But what made the French so popular with the natives? There was a huge difference in how the French colonists treated the natives and how the English treated the natives. The French were nonintrusive and friendly, while the British were more violent.
The breathtaking splendor of ornate cites, the beautifully constructed grand temples, and the ingeniously developed and advanced caledretics, mathematics, and astronomy easily mark one of the most interesting and prosperous periods in Latin American history. Over period spanning approximately six centuries, the Maya of Central America reached artistic and intellectual heights that no other group in the New World had seen
The first article is called Digging Out a Lost City’s Secret. It’s basically about Teotihuacan remains found by archaeologists. Many possessions resembling boxes filled with shells, jaguar remains, and rubber balls. The second article is called Skeleton Dating Back to the Ice Age Sheds Light on Native American Origins. Briefly, the previously mentioned article is about a young girl who died 12,000 to 13,000 years ago in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula by divers diving in the area. The last article is called Guatemala’s Finest Clothing Shops. It is pretty much about Guatemalan trends working ways into design studios to make shoes, night gowns, and purses. The one that states more informational facts, in my opinion, would be the second article, Skeleton Dating Back to the Ice Age Sheds Light on Native American Origins.
Throughout the humanities course, I have been intrigued by a vast amount of information on different cultures. However, there was a particular section that truly caught my attention, and has piqued an interest in me that has caused me to do my own research aside from this paper. The culture of the Mayas, and the Aztecs has been extremely fundamental in understanding my ancestry, being that I am Mexican American. I took an interest in their beautiful architecture, their ritualistic and sacrificial religious practices, as well as their history and how they began. Throughout this paper I will outline the similarities and differences of these two cultures, as well as articulate an understanding of the humanity disciplines outlined above.
Massive temples hidden in the jungles of the Yucatan, mysterious stone stelas, and cryptic calendars eluding to advanced knowledge of the stars and mathematics are just some of the artifacts originating from the “Classic Maya” period (200 CE-900 CE). However, these popular items should not be the only defining characteristics of a society that dominated the Mesoamerican region for nearly a millennia. Dynastic lines, similar to those found in European houses, were important elements during this period in places like Palenque, Tikal, and Calakmul. Additionally, the Maya experienced violent and consistent warfare between localized powers and the backbone of their society, agriculture, suffered through several multi-year droughts. These factors
Welcome to our museum! Today, you will learn about a variety of historical events that happened in early American history. Our museum includes information about three different civilizations. These civilizations are the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayas. These civilizations made many achievements and had very unique cultural elements that you will get to experience. You will also learn about the impact that the Spanish conquest had on these civilizations. All of these cultural details are shown through artifacts and images from the past with detailed descriptions to help you understand their purpose in early American history. So get ready for an information overload on these different and unique cultures in early america!
Mayan culture existed a thousand years ago, in what is now part of Central America. Its ruins were almost entirely abandoned by 600 A.D, and were not rediscovered until the early 1500’s, by Spanish settlers. Mayan architecture astounded the early conquistadors, and continues to be of great interest to modern archeologists as well. These scientists have labeled a certain period of Mayan architectural history as the “Classic” period.
The Classical Maya was lost to the archaeological records until the last 200 years due to it’s abandonment. When the Mayans left there great cities, thick vines and jungles overtook the great monuments they once built. But in the last 200 years, in depth research has lead to breakthroughs into what the Classic Maya was like. The earliest Mayans were agriculturalist, growing crops such as corn (maize), beans, squash and cassava. The Mayans also invented a very accurate calendar, a math code using 0’s, constructed buildings still intact today, and a writing system that took decades to decode. The Mayans were situated in one geographical block covering all of the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico), modern-day Guatemala, Belize, parts of the Mexican states of Tabasco and Chiapas, and the western part of Honduras and El Salvador. Due to their location on the
The Mayan religious beliefs included weird offerings to the gods. The most important part of their religion, is their many gods. Their most important god is the god of the sun (Kinich Ajaw). The sun will be in the back of the exhibit by the temple. The Mayan worship their gods in a temple that everyone would go to. The temple is going to be located in front of the museum. Something typically referred to is the Popol Vuh. This is a religious book that talks about the gods and their backgrounds. The book will be outside of the temple because they used it while they worshiped in the temple. Another thing that is very important to the Mayans is the belief in sacrifice. By sacrificing slaves and their blood, they thought they are earning their gods
Mesoamerica is the area in which the ancient Maya had lived, and is the area where modern Mayans are still reside. According to Coe, the Mayan geographic can range from Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Yucatan Peninsula, and the Mexican States of Chiapas and Tabasco (1966:17). Yet these areas are not limited to just Mayan. Many structural architecture remains today has proven the complexity of the Mayan culture in Mesoamerica.