
The Slobs: A Short Story

Decent Essays

This is another episode of kids being devious– oblivious to the circumstances and outcome. As you probably know by now, we lived in a nice neighborhood in a nice big colonial house. Everyone’s lawns were nice and tidy as were most of the homes. So when one wasn’t up to community “Par” it stood out. Well, there was one of those one block over on St. James Avenue. They were given the title, “The Slobs” by the local kiddies. Yeah, kids can definitely be bastards. Okay, I told you that to tell you this: Halloween! I’m guessing I’ve discussed this Holy (heathenistic) holiday someplace else in this jovial journal but I’ll bore you here too. Halloween’s traditions prominently included destruction. EGGS by far were the preferred tool of said destruction–they were handy ammunition. Aware that these little white embryos were a scourge to the community, some grocery stores wouldn’t sell them to kids of few before the thirty first, but we definitely managed to get them. We’d steal them from home or buy them prior to the store’s blockade and hide them in the woods where they’d go rancid…all the better. …show more content…

The “Slobs” were located on the corner of the dead end street. For reasons unknown (and none of our freakin’business) their house wasn’t kept up as nice as the others. But from what I observed of their “situation”, I’m guessing it was a single mom struggling to give her kids a nice home in a nice town with a great school district and didn’t have the time, money or knowledge to keep her house

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