Judy Blume clearly had a purpose when composing this book. She wanted readers to pity the protagonist, but also witness her courageousness and blissfulness whilst dealing with the loss of her dad, through a tragic shooting in Atlanta City. Judy wanted the viewers to experience her pain but learn from her lead of how to deal with it, how to live and be truly alive, and not live and be dead inside. She wanted readers to know, that no matter how far you have fallen, there is always a pathway out if you choose to look for it, and then grasp it. The theme of this story, is that life, no matter who you are, will throw terrible situations your way, and you can either let them tear you apart, or you can use them to make you stronger. In this story, Davey …show more content…
Judy uses an exquisite form of description to depict the very fine details of every place that Davey encounters, including her emotions, the people she sees and her feelings about them. For example, Davey explains her aunt and uncle’s house in New Mexico, "The smell of salt air...roasting peanuts, taffy and the musty smell of the amusement piers." To help the reader imagine the beauty of where she was, and how the scenery was one of the factors that helped her over come her pain and loss, she describes her new home, "The sky in Albuquerque is bright blue. Bright blue and perfect, without a cloud. I've never seen such a sky.” This style makes it substantially easier for the reader to enjoy the story, it allows them to visualize each encounter as if we were there with her, experiencing it with her first hand. Another style used to make the book more enjoyable, is narration. She tells the story in chronological order, along with fixated flashbacks to allow the reader to see the past while she is thinking about it. Blume also uses holidays like Christmas, to help the reader form a timeline of her recovery and her overcoming and growing
We all face many challenges and setbacks in life, but it is whether we deal with them properly, that decides whether we move on. If we don’t overcome our challenges and setbacks, we could be dwelling on the one problem for a long time, because the longer we leave a problem to grow, the harder it becomes to deal with. Despite the fact that characters encounter challenges and setbacks throughout the whole novel, its overall message is quite optimistic. The four main challenges which are included in the novel, include death, pain, suffering, and separation. Erich and Vinnie faced the biggest
The purpose of the story is to compare fate to how one grows up. The mixture of the environment, the
You can see is threw many symbols the author chosses to include. A symbol could be school. To many students school is dredded adn usually something they do not spacificlly look forward too. But for David un the early days of his abuse, school is a sanctuary for him. He kind of relys on it for safty because it is not safe at home , as well as food when he is beign starved. Yet after a while it starts resembaling his home life after his fellow classments beat him up as well and his teachers neglect to do anything after noticeing the abuse. Another symblol that may have shwoed how cirten situations acn effect a changeracter is the drift wood. In the memoir's epilogue, David watches a piece of driftwood being pulled in and out by the ocean waves. Like the drift wood it shows how his childhood was mainly spent figting agenst forces that kept pulling and holding him back, yet it fought or pushed through till it finally got to the
Dave Pelzer has endured so much in his past. The years of abuse that seemed like a never ending maze of torture, were like a routine of beatings to him. The wicked games that his mother played on him and the bizarre ways of practicing them, felt like an eternity for a 12 year old boy. Nevertheless, for every darkest storm there is a shining ray. The ray of hope that has fueled Pelzer's motivation to strive for the best, for his freedom, and for a brighter future. Pelzer's journey to finding the power to continue begins by acceptance; accepting the fact that he is an abuse victim. Once the acceptance has been initialized, the healing process begins to take place.
Each person goes through obstacles that occur many times in their lives, but some have difficult times dealing with it. Some people use different techniques to overcome these obstacles. In Everyone Leaves by Wendy Guerra, the protagonist Nieve is living from challenge to challenge. She feels comfortable and safe in her Diary, which has always been their for her especially in difficult times. Although many situations arise such as dealing with an abusive father, controlling boyfriend, and being left behind, Nieve finds a safe haven.
The conflict of the story was Dave’s mother. She was cruel and unloving. She would drink and abuse Dave. For some reasons she never beat any of her other kids. Every time he stood up to her she would tell him he was a nobody or an “it”. She did cruel things for no reason. For example one time she tried putting him on the stove to burn him. Other times she would make a gas out of ammonia and Clorox in the bathroom and lock him in there for hours. The climax of the story is when people at school start noticing cuts and bruises on David. When a social worker is sent to his house, his mother starts treating him with love and pretends she’s sorry. Dave believes it and doesn’t say anything when the social worker comes. Dave thinks his dreams have come true and is very happy not knowing when the social
Adversities are hard to avoid in one’s life; everyone has to face them at one point in their life. The effect it has on a person’s life can change their perspective towards the world. When problems arise individuals traditionally become stunned to such difficult situations that they face. The adversity becomes a brick wall that is challenging to break down. An individual's true character in addition to their nature is revealed when they face a conflict in their life or a challenge. The people who conquer the challenges that life throws at them, they are the only one’s worthy enough of being called a warrior. In the novel, The Chrysalids by John Wyndham has his protagonist David go through some conflicts which he overcomes throughout the story.
Adversities are hard to avoid in one’s life; everyone has to face them at one point in their life. The effect it has on a person’s life can change their perspective towards the world. When problems arise individuals traditionally become stunned to such difficult situations that they face. The adversity becomes a brick wall that is challenging to break down. An individual's true character in addition to their nature is revealed when they face a conflict in their life or a challenge. In the novel, The Chrysalids by John Wyndham has his protagonist David go through some conflicts, which he overcomes throughout the story. David struggles to find a life where people would appreciate his uniqueness, not sameness which has an impact on who he thinks
How characters react when faced with danger or tremendous stress is a common theme in literature. The whole dynamic of a character changes when they are placed in alarming and detrimental circumstances. In the stories “The Luck of the Roaring Camp” and “The Outcasts of Poker Flat”, Bret Harte puts characters in threatening and adverse circumstances. In “The Outcasts of Poker Flat” Mother Shipton saves her rations so she could give them to Piney, while in “The Luck of the Roaring Camp”, Kentuck, a man who did not care for Tommy Luck, tries to save him at the end of the story.
It takes immense courage for the character Alma from Anne Hart’s story “The Friday Everything Changed” to stand up to the boy’s who were threatening to hurt her but she chooses to risk being hurt to fight for the girls to go and get the water for the school. The character Alma demonstrates my chosen theme that being able to always do the right thing regardless of the risks
In conclusion, the three most important themes to me in the story, abuse, fear, and karma are what made the story so good. He abuses her, she has fear, that he pokes fun at, and he is punished for his actions. Her greatest fear saved her from enduring anymore abuse from
Many say that events, good and bad, from childhood shape a person’s future. Things like the death of a loved one, domestic violence, expectations and economic struggles can surely mould one's true self. However, the gap between finding the person they want to become and the one to avoid becoming is controlled solely by the way one chooses to handle these things in life. This is directly connected to the novel, Crow Lake by Mary Lawson, in which the life of Kate Morrison and her three siblings is depicted. The children are faced with tragedy when both their parents are killed in a fatal car accident and they are left orphaned to fend for themselves. The novel perfectly embodies what it takes to get through extremely tough times and push in order
The theme of the story is under some circumstances people can be blind to the truth. Character Edie determines the style of the story by talking about the circumstances of her life as a fifteen year old girl and as an older woman. She retells the stories of those that she has known, and the man that she believed she loved deeply. Sometimes the things we want to happen may not be the things that life has for us. We need to be open to all the opportunities in life that are different from what we believe.
Coming to the story, Joaquin Bridger, the main protagonist who is annoyed by his past, is depressed and lives alone after the death of his wife and daughter. One day, he experiences a same kind of tragedy that will challenge him. A local bank is being robbed and a little girl Sylvia is taken as a hostage and Sylvia becomes another important character of this story. This
be due to the fact that, at the time when the German originals were written,