In The Sniper by Liam O’Flaherty is about a republican sniper who faces a lot of challenges.the Sniper is about a republican sniper who faces armored cars and is who shoot a lady who snitches on him and, as soon as he thought very thing was getting much better he find out he kill his own brother. The sniper theme is about how war reduces human being to mere objects like they have no names, no faces they’re just target and nothing more.
In the sniper for example the sniper kills a woman across the street that told the person in the armored car that he was on the roof. This show that when war happen people are just targets you don't know their name or life story you're told to shoot and that what you do. In the story once the sniper had thought
"Well, it wasn't Mars, and it wasn't Venus, and it wasn't Jupiter or Saturn that killed him. We wouldn't have to think of him every time Jupiter or Saturn or Mars lit up the evening sky. This was different." (Bradbury 74). Doug's words in "The Rocket Man" goes on track of what the book's theme is. Throughout The Illustrated Man, the theme is that decisions in life can be consequential. The theme of decisions made in life can be consequential can be seen in the novel, The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury of the story, “The Rocket Man,” where Dad's decision of going up to space affects his relationship with his wife, how it has put him in a state of exhaustion, and where Dad ends up, it changes Mother and Doug.
War is something that can change the very principles of a person, it can change a person and leave multiple effects that can last for their entire life. The sniper is fighting in a civil war where friends and family can turn into enemies at a moment's notice. The fight is between the Republicans and the Free Staters, the protagonist is a sniper for the Republicans. Throughout the story, we go into the state of mind of the main character and learn some ramifications that he gained in the war. The text, “The Sniper” by Liam O’Flaherty shows us the physical and psychological results of war, that happens to people.
The story sniper is a story about a man that's in the army which his perfection is with a sniper rifle the story's theme is based on dublin and the sniper which will be called sniper is on the tower looking down on an empty road with hail of gunshots in the distance but he decides to eat a sandwich and light a cigaret but he doesn't want to take the risk of the spark to light the cigarette to give out his position and because the sniper was tired and needed the break he took the risk and lit his cigarette and soon as he blew out the light a gunshot and a crack flew by him
In modern warfare a sniper’s role is critical for gathering intelligence, and providing protection for the other ground units in the area of operation. Their goal is explicit, to undetectably infiltrate an enemy’s position in order to effectively engage targets to reduce the enemy’s fighting capabilities under their creed “one shot, one kill”. American Sniper is written by Chris Kyle, and is an account of his four tours in the Iraq War as a Navy SEAL while earning his spot in history as the most lethal sniper in the United States military. During Kyle’s tours in Fallujah, Ramadi, and Sadr city he recorded over 160 confirmed kills. Kyle’s autobiography covers not only daily life on the war front, but the personal and family struggles at
The theme of how war can tear apart families in “The Sniper” first appears at the start of the book when he shoots a woman. First, Dublin shoots a woman walking in the open field. The text says, “The sniper fired again, the woman whirled around and fell with a shriek and into the gutter.”The woman the sniper shot could have been a neighbor or friend because this took place during civil war. In civil war, the country divides and goes to war.
The main character in The Sniper is a young man in the civil war as a sniper. The conflict in this story is that there is another sniper across the field on another rooftop, this is soon fixed by the main sniper tricking then shooting
The sniper is a great story that contains a lot of themes and great quotes to back those themes up but I have found the most clear theme in there. The theme here is “In war sacrifice is inedible”. There is lots of different kinds of irony happening within the story. There is situational irony because the sniper ends up killing the brother in a war. There was the two teams the free staters and the republicans. Through the use of the sitional irony and killings this shows that the theme in the book is that in war sacrifice is inedible.
Symbolism is also used in “The Sniper” to represent a possible theme. Liam O’Flaherty uses a street between the two snipers to show that a possible theme is that war separates family. The story takes place in the middle of a civil war in Ireland. The protagonist is a sniper across the street from an enemy sniper. The enemy sniper is his brother, and it is unknown until the very last sentence. By including a minor detail such as a street, the author is able to both further develop the setting by showing it as urban and let the reader pick up on a theme of the
“Wars never hurt anybody except for the people who died” -Salvador Dali, leader of the Surrealist Movement. In both stories men who are at war are described, both of these men have killed a man who are known as their foes. Both of the men realize that the man they killed could've been a friend, and were someone who really wasn't the enemy. The relationship between these two stories is that war can tear families apart. In Liam O'Flaherty's “The Sniper” and “The Man He Killed” by Thomas Hardy both show similarities and differences in plot, irony, and theme.
War is truly violent and awful job, especially for a sniper. Shooter is about a Marine scout sniper named Jack Coughlin that plays a small role in the 2003 invasion of Iraq. His new style of urban sniping makes it much easier for his fellow Marines. He takes out threats before they can even come close to his men. He is at the front of the action as the ¾ battalion moves from town to town on a campaign to Baghdad. In this journal, I will visualize a sandstorm, clarifying Jack meeting the person he shot, that lived, and connecting Jack meeting his enemy and a football game.
In the story "The Sniper" a republican sniper is fighting in war and is being shot at by a enemy. He learns that war changes people. Just like in "Cranes" Songsam let his friend go. At the end he killed his enemy and realized it was his brother.
"The Sniper" places a strong emphasis on the evils of war, and yet paints a vivid image of mankind's qualities and their society. Employing the technique of describing one particular sniper to symbolise a general subject, readers are able to gain a deep insight into the evils of war. In this story, the assembly of setting, contrasting characters and themes of fanaticism and division of loyalties are vital to conveying the horror of war. On the other hand, "The Sniper" also discusses the power of war, depicting it as the decider of life and death for men. Its force is further emphasised when neighbours are turned into enemies under war's influence.
Full Metal Jacket is a 1987 war film directed by Stanley Kubrick. The screenplay was by Kubrick, Michael Herr, and Gustav Hasford. The film was released in the United States on June 26, 1987 and is 116 minutes long. The name full metal jacket comes from the type of ammunition the marines used. The theme and purpose of the movie is to show the destructive and inhumane properties of war and what they do to a person.
In 1923, the story “The Sniper” was written by Liam O'Flaherty. The story is about a Civil war in Ireland where there were 2 snipers, shooting at each other and they were both on a rooftop with long-range weapons and they don’t know each other but at the end one of the sniper found out that he killed his own brother. The author uses irony and the conflict between the sniper and the other sniper just to tell us the main message which is that we shouldn’t fight each other, we should fight together because we live in the same country and we should fight for our country.
Through literature, Liam O’Flaherty, the author of the short story The Sniper, clearly illustrates how horrific and destructive war really is. He illustrates the appalling agony of the Irish civil war through a dramatic story of two brothers against each other in the war. Through the the author's writing, readers can conclude that the theme of The Sniper is that war destroys families. O’Flaherty sets emphasis on this theme by using many strong literary devices. The literary devices used that apply the most emphasis on the theme are situational irony, setting, and the author's use of direct characterization .