
The Social Determinants Of Health And Health

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Mental health outcomes vary differently by socioeconomic location for women and men. It is important to critically analyze the various social locations that low-income women living with mental health concerns are currently occupying. These women are occupying these social locations because of the structural inequities that they encounter in relation to their experiences with the social determinants of health. Explanatory frameworks are used to illustrate the relationship between the social determinants of health and health outcomes. Specifically, the focus of this inquiry is to show how the psychosocial and intersectionality explanatory approaches can be of assistance in the understanding of the relationship between class, gender, and mental health outcomes. First, I will give an exposition defining mental health outcomes as consequences of class and gender by using the context of low-income women living with mental health concerns and the relationship between the social determinants of health. I will then outline both the psychosocial and intersectionality explanatory approaches core tenets, strengths, and challenges of each. Second, I will then present and conduct a comparative analysis in which I will evaluate each explanatory approach based on the following two criteria: 1) how each explore the individual experiences and social structural experiences of low-income women with mental health concerns (class, gender, and mental health concern) 2) What kinds of information do

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