
The Social Milieu Within The Rural Context

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This class allowed me to explore the current social milieu within the rural context. As such I have experienced a new appreciation for rural life and the systematic shifts that have taken place over the past decade such as globalization, market shifts, agricultural practices, advancements in education, and social norms that has and is drastically disrupting fundamental institutions of support and identity for rural life. One among the many of these institutions is the church as it maintains an essential role in rural life as it gives meaning and identity to such communities.
Out of the contexts posed in the prompt, I believe that I would be best equipped to serve in an urban or suburban context because I have lived and dwelt the greater part of my young adult life in these areas. As a sociology major in undergrad I studied the urban poor and encountered how current social structures disproportionately impact the least among us in negatively and often harshly. Moreover, by living and working, within the urban milieu I was able to apply the Durkheimian and Marxist traditions, power-conflict perspectives, and organizational theories that brought to light the social theory that I was studying. It was at that time through my mentor Dr. Aaron Porter where I learned to break down the social makeup of urban life as a means to critically engage new theoretical and policy approaches to resolve institutional breakdowns. It was also during this time where I began working and

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