
The 'Socratic Method In Euthyphro'

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The Socratic Method is a very famous method of questioning that is not very known, although it is very important, even today. It inspires the respondent to dig deeply and think about the question with a new mind and new freedom which is obtained by discarding the previously held beliefs. The Socratic Method is valued because it allows people to live their lives in virtue. Living a virtuous life means to be honest, respectful, courageous, forgiving, and kind. One who lives a virtuous life is able to live a happy life. While reading The Euthyphro by Plato, I came across the use the Socratic Method. The Socratic Method is useful in that it enables a person to live a virtuous life. The three parts to the method are: the questioner claims to …show more content…

Euthyphro is a priest and claims to be an expert on piety and says that prosecuting his father is a pious action. Socrates kept dismantling the definitions of piety Euthyphro gave him because they did not work and were not the definitions that Socrates was looking for. Socrates uses the Socratic Method to help people live exemplary lives. Living this specific lifestyle requires a person to be good, pure, moral and high-minded. The Socratic Method helps one live a principled life through honesty and helps the respondent find truth in their …show more content…

6). This definition is merely an example; it does not prove anything. Euthyphro must give a more accurate definition of piety to prove to Socrates that it is right to prosecute his own father. Socrates asks for a standard definition of piety, so he could figure out what was pious and what was not; a list of examples does not really do that. Socrates than gives Euthyphro a chance to give a more honest, so he is able to live in Virtue. The second definition is a step up from the first, giving an actual definition, not just an example. Euthyphro then agreed with Socrates that it was a poor definition and thought of a better

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