
The Space Shuttle Disaster And 12

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The first space shuttle, Enterprise, launched in 1977. NASA couldn’t have been more proud of their accomplishments and looked forward to the years to come with many new ideas, experiments to try and space to explore. While this might have been the case for a few years following, NASA couldn’t have predicted what was to happen on the mornings of January 28, 1986 and February 1, 2003… or could they? Disaster struck for both the Challenger and the Columbus space shuttles. Even though both scenarios were different, they were one in the same when it came to the reasoning behind why it happened. The ideas of cultural change, ethics of organization and decision making were all to blame. Introduction It has been 29 years since the Challenger space shuttle disaster and 12 years since the Columbia space shuttle disintegrated during reentry. With proper precautions and improvements to both shuttles, these incidents could have been avoided.
The Challenger exploded on its tenth flight during mission STS-51L, killing all seven crew members. The explosion occurred 73 seconds after the shuttle took liftoff, and the reason behind the explosion were the faulty O-rings. There were predictions that if the O-rings were to malfunction due to the cold temperatures, the rockets could explode before the shuttle took off from the Launchpad (Miller 79).
There had been speculation that the O-rings could fail, but those opinions were quickly pushed aside as the crew boarded with the

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