
The Spanish Conquistador Vasco Nunez De Balboa '

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Immigration can be justified by many reasons. Some say immigration can be a positive change in someone’s life or a negative change in one’s life. Many people leave for similar reasons. They are fleeing a negative phenomenon in their current home or they are seeking another opportunity in another place. While progressing through these 3 stories, I was able to feel and understand what was happening during these times, not only regarding the move from one place to another, but the effect immigration had on these people, whether it was an immense impact or a minor impact. Religion drives people. It is often the biggest aspect of some people’s life and it caused the English to want to come to the new world. The English fled their home for many reasons. They sought freedom. The English were under religious persecution during these times. Protestants reformed and sought a new start in a new place. The most extreme English Protestants wanted to separate from the Church of England. These …show more content…

Explorers wanted to find new lands and make certain that the land that they find is named after them. They wanted their name to be known across the world, they wanted glory, and they wanted fame and they knew exactly how to get it. In the short story Balboa, Author Sabina Murray wrote about the Spanish conquistador Vasco Nunez de Balboa. He was famously known for being the first European to see the pacific ocean. In the story Murray wrote “Balboa knows that from this peak he will be able to see the western water, what he has already decided to name the south sea. He takes his mask it with him. The Spaniards have been warned that if they follow, he will use it, because discovery is a tricky matter and he wants no competition.” The conquistador took charge and stood on the peak and asserted his authority over the west. It is what the explorers sought and they truly did anything to achieve

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