
The Spiritual Practice Of Sabbath

Decent Essays

My life is full of habits. And a lot of them. Some of them are really good habits, but, unfortunately, some of them are really bad. One of the bad habits I’ve become accustomed to over the years is working myself to my breakpoint and not taking a chance to breathe. More than that I tend to keep busy way more often than I should be – some simply over just trivial things. That is why I decided to choose the spiritual practice of Sabbath – where I took one 24-hour period in my week and dedicated it to simply rest and rejuvenate – and nothing more. Now by rest, I don’t necessarily mean sleep, a lot of times it was just doing what brings me pleasure and replenishes me instead of exhausting myself, or giving to me, instead of taking from me.
Although I have heard people talking about the Sabbath growing up multiple times, I have never heard it phrased like it was in this class: as a spiritual formative practice. To my dismay, that was all it has been until this class. My extent of knowledge about Sabbath had only came from some of what I’ve read about it in the Bible. That was when the Jews practiced Sabbath as commanded under the Mosaic Law, given to them when they were in the wilderness. Exodus 20:8-10 shares, "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God." The Jews were allowed to do no work on this day, marked as Friday evening until Saturday evening on the Jewish calendar.

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