
The St And The Garden Party

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The excerpts that given from the stories of “ The Garden Party “ and “ The Saint “ share some similarities in terms of feeling addicted or obliged to something.In the first place , if we start with “ The Saint , the narrator emphasizes that with all his “ will “ , he do not put his faith in towards Mr.Timberlake about “ walking upon the water “, so , we understand that the narrator take our attention to the idea of “ miracle ” , which is one of the major symbols of the story.For example , since Mr. Timberlake denies the whole part of the life while embracing , it is possible to consider him as a “ transfigured “ person because he is known to be religious person and earns money by being “ Saint”, but, on the other hand, he always ignores “ errors “ and looks for perfections. In this respect, …show more content…

the excerpt from the “ Garden Party “ , “ coat “ and “ hat “ that Laura “ shone “ with her “ frock “ can be considered as a mirror image of Mr.Timberlake’s perspective of life and miracles.Besides , the excerpt demonstrates the “ hat “ with the use of “ another “ word , which connotates a possibility idea.For instance, while Laura is known to be open minded , creative and artistic , the lack of kindness that her family vaccinate into Laura , might made him to think how irritating idea that being worn in a dazzling way , because it contradicts her own identity.So , in the light of these images , it is possible to think that the narrator’s opinion Mr.Timberlake “ would not walk upon the water “ can be interconnected with the narrator’s opinion of “ golden and bored “ because the narrator thinks that Mr.Timberlake is a golden statute , while he is a fake person.To illustrate , the idea of“ golden “ makes “ anyone easily think that it has a value, therefore, Mr.Timberlake acts like

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