The Standard POW Write-up Problem Statement: A farmer is taking her eggs to the market, she ran into a pothole and all of her eggs broke. She needs to find out how many eggs she had to file an insurance claim. She knows that her eggs were divisible by 7, but had a remainder of 1 for the number 2,3,4,5,6. Process: I needed to figure out how many eggs she had. I knew that the number of eggs were divisible by 7 but there is a remainder of 1 in the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. We had to figure out what she had, so we figured out the multiple of 7. We got 301 as the smallest multiple of 7 that weren’t divisible by 2,3,4,5,6. If we divide it by 7 it goes in evenly, with 2,3,4,5,6 we have a remainder of 1 and that’s what we’re looking for. We thought
rules were that if you divide it by 2,3,4,5, or 6, you would have 1 left over. The other rule was
The goal of this paper is to scrutinize the regrettable sentinel event of Mr. B, a sixty-seven-year-old patient who was admitted to a rural ED with left leg pain that he found unbearable. A root cause analysis will be used to exam the causative factors that led to this unfortunate sentinel event. Then I will identify the errors or hazards in the care of Mr. B. A change theory will then be utilized to establish a useful improvement plan that would hopefully decrease the chances of a repeat of the outcome in the Mr. B scenario. A Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) will then be
First, I disagree with the statement made in the last paragraph that said “one could easily argue that this exchange simply represented Danny’s misunderstanding of the task, we believe that if we look at this response as further explication of his conceptions of combining tasks and place value, we gain a more textured and multidimensional view of Danny’s understanding of number concepts” (p. 53). The student did not understand the task which caused confusion from the beginning. The student thought this was a place value task instead of a missing-addend task. The student asked for clarification over and over and then asked the teacher for confirmation when he said there was eleven chips. He did not receive confirmation so he changes his answer
Literature: Read Remainder of One by Elinor Pinczes to prepare students for the lesson. “What do you think is going to happen in this story? Based on the title, what do you think this has to do with division?” Read the story. “Can anyone tell me how division was used in this book? What happened to the extra 1 person, or the remainder? We are going to learn about dividing larger numbers today and how to do it correctly.”
Each site slated for secure indoor wireless had a site survey done. The site survey method was top-down with the roof as the starting point. As with most site surveys the locations for equipment was identified and the cabling pathways were determined. In addition, a wireless survey was performed to identify possible sources of interference and find best install sites for AP’s. This was performed using wireless analysis tools to get the best installation places.
My goal is to assess student’s prior knowledge of division and to teach students how division can be modeled by using place-value blocks so students can see that division consists of arranging items into equal groups. My goal for day one is to help students develop and understanding of division through the use of manipulatives and drawings so when they transfer that knowledge to day two, students will have a better sense that division consists of dividing a large number into equal groups. By using place-value blocks I also want students to visually see what a remainder looks like so they can better understand what a remainder represents. Sometimes students can’t understand the definition of a remainder which is the part that is left over after
As a member of the power sector, DTL Power is absolutely vital to the operations of other critical infrastructure pieces. The other key pieces of critical infrastructure represented in our environment are the Federal Government, Avistel Telecom, Mistral Bank, and Hytema Defense. Electrical power is the core of the US critical infrastructure, and without the energy supplied by the power sector, none of these other infrastructure pieces will be able to continue operations after local backup energy stores are depleted. It is for this reason that DTL Power?s primary security objective is power system uptime.
5. A local grocery store was holding a contest to see who could most closely guess the number of pennies that they had inside a large jar. The first six people guessed the numbers 735, 209, 390, 300, 1005 and 689. The grocery clerk said the jar actually contains 568 pennies.
1. What are the lessons useful for their future microprocessor business that you think Intel should have taken away from their experience in the DRAM industry?
the higher margin returns. Its focus is the elite end of the IT professional placement market.
When she put them in groups of four, five, and six there was also one left over.
In December 8, 1941, The United States officially declared war on japan after the attack of pearl harbor a day before, making America be a part of a second world war. Citizens rushed and tried to help their country in anyway possible. Some people showed their patriotism by volunteering to fight abroad or volunteering to help out at home. Every person in that era offered and sacrificed some part of their life to help the country succeed, which shows why the World War II era was the greatest generation. Though everyone may not agree, no one can dispute the transformative events this generation experienced and how they were willing to step up and do whatever had to be to “get the job done.” Other generations can correspond with similar characteristics
In your judgment is Intel a “monopoly”? Did Intel use monopoly-like power, in other words, did Intel achieve its objectives by relying on power that it had due to its control of a large portion of the market? Explain your answers.
Puerto Rico held many of my most cherished childhood memories. The 3 years my family spent there were some of the best years of my life. I remember the day we arrived there and settled into a hotel to live temporarily. I wasn’t sure why I couldn’t understand my favorite cartoons anymore. A man with a daughter my age took me to school during the first week and I couldn’t understand that man either. My parents explained to me that they spoke Spanish and soon enough in school, I was learning the language.
owing for a percentage yield of 74.###%. A percentage yield of 11#.##% was also calculated, had the