
The Stanford Prison Experiment And Philip G Zimbardo

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In chapter two, we study the research methods of different psychological experiments and studies. This includes “the ethical obligations of researchers toward” the participants in their research, which are enforced by institutional review boards at American research colleges and universities. In these studies, researchers are required to provide the following: (a) informed consent “of the purpose of the research, its expected duration, and any potential risks, discomfort, or adverse associated with it”; (b) protection for harm and discomfort; (c) knowledge of deception in a study and debriefing once the study has concluded. These obligations are required to protect research participants. However, these are not always followed in research. In the 2015 movie, “The Stanford Prison Experiment”, audiences are shown a reenactment of the notorious true story. In August of 1971, psychologist, Philip G. Zimbardo, at Stanford University was interested on the psychological effect that prison’s have on human behavior. Therefore, Zimbardo put an ad in the newspaper reading, “Male college students needed for psychological study of prison life. $15 per day for 1-2 weeks beginning Aug. 14. For further information & applications come to Room …show more content…

However, this was not before the “guards” already showed major problems with throwing authority around by hitting a “prisoner”. On the second day of the experiment, “prisoners” rebelled against the guards which provoked the “guards” to put a rewards and punishment system into place, which turned into a hunger for power. This power-hungry alliance of “guards” forced three “prisoners” to be released from the experiment for traumatic experiences by day four. As the experiment continued, the “guards” only became more tyrannical while the “prisoners” become more unhinged. This forced Dr. Zimbardo to finally discontinue the experiment after day

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