
The New Colossus

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The statue of liberty is a symbolic monument to all Americans, but to foreigners, she means something different. As portrayed in “The New Colossus”, the Lady Liberty gives immigrants from Europe a welcoming gesture. In the excerpt, the Statue of Liberty seems to be talking to the European countries, urging them to keep their wealthy natives, and for the people who are tired and poor to come to America. “ ”Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she/ With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,/ Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,...” The Mother of Exiles, as the author, Emma Lazarus describes, paints the picture of the American dream as a place that offers endless opportunity to those willing to work hard.
Moving on to the next poem, “Refugee in America” tells about an African American who sings at the thought of freedom, and cries at the mention of liberty. The text leaves readers open to the real meaning behind the emotions of the author, but I think it has to do with the real definitions of freedom and liberty. “There are words like Freedom... On my heart-strings freedom sings... There are words like Liberty/ That almost make me cry./ If you had known
Sernyk 1 Sernyk 2 what I knew/ You would know why.” While freedom means to be free, liberty means to be free
to …show more content…

As many people know, African Americans went through a long and devastating fight to be able to break free from the chains of slavery. After accomplishing that feat, the African Americans had a lot more struggling to do. They might have had the freedom, but not the liberty most white people had. It could be possible that the author still experiences discrimination and prejudice, and gets emotional at the thought of finally being free to do what he wants. Similar to the American dream in “The New Colossus”, “Refugee in America” gives the impression of two things: People can find freedom in America, as well as America offers a refuge for people fleeing

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