My name is Crisol Escoto. My prior experience with chemistry was in my senior year of high school. That was over three years, so I hope that I remember the basis of it. I distinctly remember that the subject was a bit challenging, but it was incredibly fascinating. I hope that through this course I can successfully grasp the concepts that I struggled with previously.
Priest, explorer, and adventurer Silvestre Velez de Escalante passed away of illness in Parral, Mexico during the April of 1780, his way to Mexico City. He was born in Spain and around 1750 and immigrated to New Mexico in his youth. He became a priest and ministered to the Indians.
Until about 2 years ago I was not quite sure what path I would choose for my future career, let alone what path I would choose when I arrived at college. I tended to be adept at subjects such as science and mathematics throughout my high school life, however I was never particularly fond of any one subject in particular. However, that changed my senior year of high school when I enrolled in AP Chemistry. I was intrigued by chemistry when I attended the pre-AP Chemistry course, however I was not particularly interested at that moment. However, AP Chemistry came with a plethora of hands-on experiments and procedures that existed to illustrate basic concepts of chemistry. Although it may sound mundane, I was amazed at some of the concepts we learned being implemented in front of our eyes, and I was especially
I liked everything about this course. The seminars, study plans, and the weekly discussions help
I believe this course is going to be an enrinched experience for us all. Good job to us all for taking the steps in adding another degree to our walls or desks in order to accomplish our career goals. I understand this is a large but I do hope to speak, even better, network with the majority of you. I wish you all the best on your educational voyage.
Chemistry became the subject that I couldn’t wait to learn, and I often find myself getting excited over new discoveries in chemistry, such as the four new elements added to the periodic table that I texted multiple friends about. Since I want to be a teacher, I find the best way for me to combine teaching and chemistry is to help those in the school who need help learning the subject. My friend is a sophomore who currently takes level one chemistry, and for her, I serve as the person she can go to when she needs help with the subject, and I’m happy to help her whenever she needs
Accelerated Chemistry I is a demanding course that involves critical thinking and problem solving. Throughout the course you will be asked to analyze data, draw conclusions, process new information, and build your own understanding of chemistry concepts. Only after you have investigated new ideas will you discuss them formally. The model we will be using in class is - engage, explore, explain, evaluate. You will be asked to analyze common occurrences such as melting ice cubes and burning candles in order to understand the chemical processes that allow them to occur. You will analyze the relationship between macroscopic properties and microscopic structures, which in turn will help you to gain a better understanding of the world around you,
Our group decided on the science understanding of chemical science as our theme through strong influence from the Victorian Curriculum, as we adapted our unit of work to focus on the ‘Three States of Matter’ that centred around looking specifically at solids, liquids and gases in detail. We thought that this unit topic would be a fun and interesting to plan and create a sequence of six lessons with student-centred and hands-on activities throughout. I felt our presentation went informative in the sense of highlighting and addressing all our Victorian Curriculum components, although instead of just reading out all the content descriptors it would have been more beneficial to just focus and pinpoint how it relates, and how it was incorporated
The Life of Lazarillo De Tormes was written in 1554. This novel was an inspiring and great representation of a segment in the 16th century Spanish society. Even though the Author is unknown, it was translated by W.S. Merwin and introduced by Juan Goytisolo. The Life of Lazarillo De Tormes is centered on a young boy who has to adept in the world daily struggles for existence and goes through many experiences along the way ,becoming a servant for many different masters. He also discovers the world’s injustices, and adapts to what he has to go through in his journey to survive. Throughout the novel The Life of Lazarillo De Tormes shows how the fictional literature plays a huge part in social criticism, the Spanish economy has a big effect, and how the squire and other characters reflect upon the novel.
Overall, the field experience was well worth my time! I learned many great tips and tricks from Mrs. Basden, and I hope I can return one day for a possible student teaching position. I may not have witnessed Mrs. Basden complete a reading strategy when I was there, but I understand that this late into an AP Chemistry class is hectic due to making sure the students are ready for the AP exam. I trust and believe that Mrs. Basden completes the best practices that are appropriate for her chemistry
I am sitting here completely dumb founded as I think about chemistry. How does chemistry relate to me? How do I relate chemistry? It is such a subject that I am unsure of how it fits into my life other than a class I took in high school. As I dig deeper instead of just scratching the surface, I realize that I use and will be going to use chemistry more and more in my life.
I plan to major in chemical engineering at UNR. Possessing a thirst for discovering how the world functions through the lense of science, I am interning with Dr. Casey in the Chemistry Department to experience chemistry firsthand. Alongside the heavy workload, I will balance volunteering with Dean’s Future Scholars at UNR, I’ve dedicated 200+ hours to the group and look forward to helping out the lives of low-income, first generation kids like myself. I’ll advance from college into the real world examining life at the atomic level while giving back to the
This course not only helped me to learn about myself, but others as well. I quickly figured out how I knew very little going through this internship and once I realized that, I found out that
In order to fully engage students and make personal connections/ownership to the content, it is vital to connect a topic to the student’s life. Unit II is the smallest chemistry unit that provides the necessary background knowledge students need for
Tell me, the professor, how this course is going for you so far? How do you find the material?
Learning Chemistry, Maths and Physics never got me tired. I’ve started to experience enthusiastic feelings towards those subjects during my high school as I was acknowledged to proceed with my upper school in science stream. I couldn’t agree more that being a science student is very challenging as it involves critical thinking which relates with the theories and practical. However, after a couple of months of learning, I came to realize that I have been intrigued by those subjects despite the challenging parts of understanding. Hence, I really look forward to further my studies in Chemical Engineering which involves deeper understanding of those subjects.