“ You are currently in a very healthy weight for your age and body structure,” explained the doctor. Oh never mind then. “Will there be a need for working out?” I asked. “Not unless you’re in any sports that need a lot of muscle, which you already have,” said the doctor. “Hmm Okay,” I said shocked. “Right this way and your nurse will be here in a minute,” calmly the doctor said. My mom and I sat in the room for a good 5 minutes when the nurse came in “Howdy folks, how’s your lovely mornin’ so far?” the nurse said in a loud voice. “We are doing fine, just here for her surgery. How are you?”, said mother in a calm and quiet voice. “ Ah, ain’t that just fun. I am doing pretty good myself. Here let me just check your pulse and I …show more content…
I hope your day was okay and that surgery went good and you’re still alive. Okay ttyl!!” I mean I thank them for caring but still you can just say that to me in person. Not that hard but anyways, it was very annoying. Listening to them complain that much. Like THEY had a bad day? Yeah okay. *Monday May 31* Well today is the day I get check ups to see if I can swim again and I have never been so excited. “Why hello Bella, how does your foot feel,” yelled the doctor as he walked in. “It feels a lot better than when I got my surgery done. It feels good as new,” I replied. “Well that’s good news,” said the doctor. “Now let’s do some Xrays and see what it looks like, alright.” We went to the room to do the Xray stuff. He printed of pictures of my foot and showed them to my mom. They didn’t look to happy when they saw them. “What’s going on?” I asked. “Just the fact that you can swim again,” yelled my mom. “Wait really?! This is amazing,” I shouted. “Remember what I said that you have to start out with breaststroke and then you can go into butterfly as long as you wear a knee and an ankle brace. Understood,” explained the doctor. “Yes, yes thank you so much,” I said excitedly. After that we went home and got ready for swimming. *Friday December 8* State is tomorrow and I am so excited. We already had 6 meets of the year and I made it to sectionals and now state. I hate that I am
“Thank you,” Julie said, “we will get to work right away.” As soon as they left, she ordered the other nurse in the room,
There were a lot of similarities and differences between the three articles. The similarities were that every clinic had their own workflow and none of it was ever the same. They might have had same couple workflow steps but the process was different at each clinic. That proves you can have multiple workflows and the business can still be successful. All the articles dealt with workflows impacting their organization after the implementation of a health IT application. All of the studies had a small sample size, never focused on a big group of providers, staff or patients. Improvement in workflow affected satisfaction, quality of care, and patient safety. Differences were the studies were done in a different area of a healthcare department.
“I’m sorry, hon’. She up and left,” the nurse shrugged, checking my vitals on the monitor. “Everything looks good today.”
“We can’t tell at this point, but she will have to be coming to the hospital for awhile now.” the doctor says
"Hey! Cutie pie, how u doing?" The feminine voice asked. [Mother description] with her sweet and caring voice and hug me.
About twenty years ago my Uncle Hosea had a son named Javion. He was the first boy out of all the girls my uncle had conceived, which made him very proud. However, due to some underlying circumstances, he was taken away from his mom and put into the system. He was somehow adopted and never seen again, nor has any information been given out to our family to help locate him. He had entered closed adoption, which is an irreversible system where parents give up their rights to know any information and right to ever take part in their children 's lives. The child is given a new home and grows up thinking the family raising them is their biological relatives. They never know anything about their true family or where they come from. They are mislead by this system of closed adoption, restricted from truth their own beginning, and lose touch with the family who brought them into this world. Children suffer tremendously from closed adoption, and because closed adoption has tougher policies, takes away many of children’s rights, puts a strain on biological families, distributes limited background family information, and strips identity, it should be abolished.
When the surgery was done the doctor came out and said he wanted to talk, The doctor
“I found out she had a minor fracture in her arm,” he said. “It looked way worse to me, it looked crushed.”
About 1 hour after the MRI machine, Bailey and I were in a room talking about what she feels like, I said to Bailey, “Do you feel ok Bailey?”
I was sore everywhere. I could barely move. The doctor runs inside moving his fingers in front of my face. I follow them then blink a couple of times.
"BEEEEEP!" Turning off the familiar but annoying sound of the alarm, lying in bed until the last possible second, I admit: this is the big day. All those practices and early mornings will be rewarded today. Finally crawling out of bed to get ready for the meet, I grab my goggles, a towel, water, and a quick breakfast on the way out the door. Checking in with the coach before finding the rest of the team as the pool area becomes louder with every passing minute while more and more people arrive at the big event. Sitting and resting, I try to save all my energy for the race. I put my headphones in and turn music on as I try to begin to focus. Talking to friends to try to calm nerves. It is time.
Me: "The pleasure is all mine. It's been a while since our last appointment. How are you feeling?"
My alarm went off at 6:00 am. "Thank God it's Friday," I whispered to myself as I got ready for the day. We still haven't found a case yet, this was just going to be another boring day at the hospital I guess. After I got ready I got in my car and drove to New York Mercy Hospital, which was only about 5 miles away. "Hey Jacobs, we got a case." Wilson said, handing me the file. I worked with two other Doctors; Zachary Wilson and James Miller. We take the medical cases that no other doctors can figure out. I got a cup of coffee and sat down at the table. "23 year old girl comes in after continually banging her head on the wall, says she had no idea
Like a perfect automaton, the nurse proceeds to measure vital signs and note her findings with as little human interaction with you as is possible. After the nurse has completed her tasks, you must wait until the doctor pops his head in, nurse's records in hand. The doctor then proceeds to ask you some variation of the stock doctor question: "What seems to be the problem today?"
Divine powers-moira in Iliad and God in Genesis-drove the actions of Andromache and Rebekah, who in turn influenced action in their respective stories (Rothleder discussion). Andromache’s influence was largely due to the way she interacted with her husband Hector, who was a great warrior on the side of the Trojans in the Trojan war (Il. p. 500). Similarly, in Genesis, Rebekah’s abilities to control domestic resources brought blessings to her younger son, even though he was less favored by his father (Gen 25:28; Gen 27:14-29). So, while these two women were very different, they also shared many commonalities and they both performed actions that helped the greater power in their respective texts to carry out a plan that did not necessarily fit into the plan the humans had in mind.