
The Stranger, By Albert Camus

Decent Essays

In the novel The stranger by Albert Camus the body is used to explore the theory of existentialism through two main characters. Existentialism is a philosophy of free creation where one believes that you create your own destiny. Salamano, and Raymond both exemplify characters that pursue legitimacy of their existence through the exploration of the body. From abusing a woman to acting cruelly towards a pet; both of these characters attempt to obtain control of their own lives. Camus conveys the idea that human existence is without order, throughout his work we see a culture that seeks to find meaning in an insignificant word. One of the main characters that use violence and the body in order to seek validity of his existence is Salamano. Salamano …show more content…

Readers are first introduced to Salamano when Meursault describes him as someone who “has reddish scabs on his face and wispy yellow hair. The dog, he’s sort of taken on his masters stooped look, muzzle down, neck straining. They look as if they belong to the same species.” (27). Salamano and his dog have been together for “eight years” doing the same routine walk that “never varied”(28). Meursault intensely describes the walk explaining how the dog “[pulls] his master along as hard as he can. Then (Salamano) beats his dog and calls it names”(28). A few moments later the dog forgets and he ends up receiving “another hiding and more abuse”(28). Meursault says, “every time they’re out, this happens.”(28). This constant abuse that the dog receives from Salamano is a clear representation of the need for reassurance of his existence as provided by his dog. The two continue to pull at each other throughout the walk in order to acknowledge that they exist. The existentialist idea that we construct our own essence through free will, choices and actions is something very prevalent in Salamano. He exhausts his free will, each time he …show more content…

Raymond is also one of Meursault’s neighbors who have a reputation that he is a pimp. Raymond believes his mistress is cheating on him, which is why he conjures up a plan to get revenge. In order to carry out the plan Raymond enlisted Meausalts help. Raymond says that he is “not one who looks for trouble…only .. a bit short tempered” . As part of his revenge Raymond physically beats up his mistress. Meursault describes, “some thuds, then a piercing scream that would make one’s blood run cold”(45). Raymond like Salamano needs his mistress to verify his existence in life. After Raymond found out there was “ dirty work going on [he] told her [he] would have nothing more to do with her”(38). Later in this passage Meaursaltu explains that Raymond “beat her till the blood came, before that he had never beaten her … not hard anyhow only affectionately-like. She’d howl a bit .....then of course it ended as per usual”(38). This abuse can be compared to the way Salamano beat his dog, in order to get justification of his existence. After Raymond finds out his mistress has stepped out on him , the same worry Salamano feels that is expressed through his “weeping” has turned into rage for Raymond. Raymond has repeatedly sought reassurance of his existence through

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