
The Stranger Immoral Analysis

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Mike The word immorality means something that is not conforming to accepted standards of morality; not concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character. In Albert Camus's The Stranger the main character, Mike is very complex and important. He commits a crime and pays the price for it even gaining our compassion. However; Mike as an individual is amoral; this being because he is an existentialist, but the actions he made were deemed immoral, evil even, based on society's view of right and wrong. Mike made many immoral actions and the reader begins to feel sympathy for him, recognizing that these actions led to his death. The first action that shows Mike as immoral is not feeling sadness …show more content…

When they first became "friends" Raymond had offered Mike to eat with him at his place. Mike said yes and from then became acquaintances. When Raymond told Mike that he wanted to hurt his mistress for supposedly cheating on him, he agreed to partake in helping Raymond write a letter to fool her. He did and he didn't feel guilty for it, he'd done it only because he physically was able too. Later while Mike was with Marie at his own home they had heard screaming and shouting. They found out that Raymond beat the girl, Marie said it was horrible but Mike refused to get help and didn't say anything. This here shows that he knows that this was a part of Raymond's awful plan but decided to let it fall through, even if it involved the pain of another human being. It was an immoral and selfish thing to take part in, and once again, the audience knows that, but they also know that Raymond was using Mike. For instance, Raymond was the one who brought Mike into he the whole Arab situation. If Raymond hadn’t manipulated Mike into thinking he owes him for being his friend, then Mike possibly wouldn’t ever come in contact with that particular Arab. The way Raymond takes advantage of his and Mike’s friendship, leads to the readers feeling sorry for

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