
The Stranger Research Paper

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In The Stranger by Albert Camus, there are two relationships that contrast each other, Salamano and his dog and Meursault and his mother. The first relationship is used to juxtaposition the second. The two relationships have many similarities and many differences as well. In The Stranger, the main character and his mother have an odd relationship. When the mother dies on page 1, the main character, Meursault, does not show a lot of emotion. This is bizarre because the book does not talk about him having a father and so it would seem that he only had his mother left. Three years prior, Meursault had sent his mother to an old folks home because he could not take care of her as well as she deserved. When he goes to the home where his mother …show more content…

The author uses the relationship between Salamano and his dog to juxtaposition the one between Meursault and his mother because both are relatable relationships. These relationships are similar because both appear to have two people who seem to not care about the other. For instance, on page 27, Meursault says good evening to Salamano as Salamano is beating and cursing his dog and “he answered with a kind of suppressed rage, ‘He’s always there.’ Then he left, yanking at the animal which was letting itself be dragged along, whimpering” (Camus 27). This quote shows how the old man appears to not like his dog because of his words and actions. This is similar to how Meursault sent his mother to the old folks home. He did not visit very often because he said it was too much work. He knew that the home was a better option for his mother. On page 4 the director says to Meursault, “you don’t have to justify yourself , my dear boy. I’ve read your mother’s file. You weren’t able to provide for her properly. She needed someone to look after her. You earn only a modest salary. And the truth of the matter is, she was happier here” (Camus 4). The director acknowledged that while Meursault had sent his mother away, the director knew that it was in his mother’s best interest because of the

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