
The Struggle In 127 Hours

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The film 127 Hours directed by Danny Boyle and the emotional speech delivered by Aron Ralston, positions the audience to depict Aron as an individual who used his ingenuity to survive when his arm was trapped while exploring a remote canyon in Utah. However Boyle depicts that it was Ralston's thought of family to motivate him to survive, similar to how Aron Ralston implies that it was the will to love which was key to his survival. Boyle in127 Hours employs a flash back which captures a basketball game, Aron and his girlfriend who attends, half way through she leaves him and says "you will be lonely here." This shot replaying in his mind when his girlfriend leaves emphasises how much he needs her now and implies he might never see her again. …show more content…

However Boyle depicts this mountain climber, Aron Ralston as careless and reckless, but Ralston in contrast implies that he was unfortunate in his situation. Boyle in 127 Hours plays a voice message on an answering machine from a family member saying "if you are going on a trip let mum and dad know, they worry." Boyle uses this to portray Ralston as careless as he continues going about himself without answering the voice message. Boyle also implies Ralston as reckless, this was shown by Boyle when he uses slow motion when Ralston and a bike rider clash eyes, this positions the audience to see Ralston as reckless as we can inferrer he rides in more of a reckless way. This was confirmed in the next chapter when Ralston was mountain biking and fell off. This differs from Aron Ralston's emotional speech, Aron implies that he was unfortunate in getting stuck in his situation. Aron says that the chalk stone was moved in between the canyon from a flood and he thought the rock was secure when he went to stand on it, to his misfortune it slipped and crushed his arm, Aron says there was nothing he could do about. In this way Danny Boyle in the film 127 Hours depicts Ralston as careless and reckless, whereas Aron Ralston suggest he was unfortunate when faced with his

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