
The Students Are Not Working Together As A Functional Team Essay

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The MBA students are not working together as a functional team. Many reasons are causing the team to ignore the forming, norming, performing, and storming stages. For example, team members are not coming prepared to meetings, and laughing at other members etc. The fundamental management problem of this case is that the learning team is not functioning the way it was intended to by the director of student affairs for these MBA students. The solution to fix this problem is to use interaction management which is broken down into three segments. The action plan will have to be completed over the course of three weeks. Each week will be designated to working on one of the segments of the solution.
In their MBA program, the director of student affairs hand selects individuals of different backgrounds to work together in learning groups. These learning groups are intended for students from different classes to work together as a team every night for two to three hours to prepare for the case that will be discussed in class the next day. These groups are not supposed to have one distinct manager or leader; instead, every group member is supposed to lead making them self-managed (Hodge, Jenkins, 2007, p. 7). The normal manager/leader responsibilities (i.e., creating a schedule, delegating, enforcing, mediating, etc.) are supposed to be distributed among the learning group as well as the actual tasks needed to be accomplished that general members would normally do. The fundamental

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