The Successes and Failures of the French and Industrial Revolutions
Christian Matson
University of North Carolina Greensboro
The Successes and Failures of the French and Industrial Revolutions The French and Industrial revolutions were two amazingly profound and impactful historical events, each of them with their own far reaching effects. Of course, As with all societal changes, these caused a mixture of both intended and unintended consequences. That which is managed to be achieved through the actions of their respective revolutionists also serves to put cast into sharp contrast that which they failed to accomplish at the time. One of if not the most important instigating factors for the beginning of the french revolution was the conditions of life for the population of france, specifically those living in the capital of france, Paris. Many individuals of the time period took notice of the fact that famine and the over taxation of the populus led to the increasing unhappiness of the lower class. One such person said that, “If (the peasants) only had enough bread to half satisfy their hunger, they
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There were many contributing stimuli for the start of the industrial revolution most of which can be attributed to the economic advantages of Britain. Among these were access to abundant raw materials, naval trade fleets, wealth gained from the commercial revolution, and the recent agricultural revolution. The catalyst that allowed all of these factors to come together to produce such an amazing change is the invention of machines to facilitate the creation of factories for the textile industry. In addition the expanded transportation and communications systems allowed for the rapid exchange of goods and ideas that would continue to fuel the production and innovation of the
British cotton textile industry grew into the worlds most productive; its railway network became the nation’s principal means of inland transportation and communication; and a new fleet of steam-powered ships enabled Britain to project its new productivity and power around the globe.
Revolutions have happened all over the human race. One of the first one was an agricultural revolution going from hunting and gathering to first farming. Then further down the road was more revolutions. The change of government was one during the time of the industrial revolution. The Industrial revolution began in England by the geography of England, the innovation's in England, and the economics were good in England.
The industrial revolution began in Great Britain because of the textile industry. Britain had an abundance of cotton used in the making of textiles. When the cottage industry and the manufacturing of clothes at home changed to the factory system, new machines were being created. Also several key-inventors of theses machines where from Great Britain, and contributed to the factory system being established. Also efficient transportation was already set up in Britain and was further innovated with the demand between procedures and suppliers. Great Britain also had a lot of natural resources. Also the workers in the new factories of the
The birth of the Industrial Revolution in England was a crucial point in history. Industrialization is the large-scale introduction of manufacturing, technological enterprises, and productive economic activity into an area. During this era, rural populations declined as people sought higher wage jobs. The speed at which goods were produced increased with new inventions. Farmers were able to support the growing population with efficient farming tools.
Great Britain was the first country to really experience industrialization. A combination of the small country, agricultural improvements, large population growth, increases in national wealth, and access to cheap materials and mineral resources allowed the Industrial Revolution to grow in Britain. Because Britain was such a small area of land, the transport of goods and materials was cheap through roads, rivers, and canals. Agricultural improvements resulted in an increase in the production of food which allowed people more disposable income in which they could purchase manufactured goods. Large population growth supplied abundances of laborers who could be employed in factories. Access to cheap materials from Asia and the Americas and mineral resources increased national wealth which allowed industrialization to continue.
The Industrial Revolution was a huge turning point in history. The place where the Industrial Revolution began was in Great Britain because they had many natural resources and a strong economy. By the 1850’s many country villages had grown into industrial towns and cities, and their inhabitants bought food and clothing in stores that offered a large variety of machine-made goods. While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily negative consequences for society because of poor working conditions, it was actually a positive thing for society. Industrialization’s positive effects were transportation became more efficient, more jobs were available, and more inventions were created.
The French Revolution was mainly unsuccessful because,
There is no doubt that the Industrial Revolution plays a central role in the modern British history. The structure of British society has forever changed by the impact and consequences of Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution is often stated as the increase of the number of factories, the exercise of steam power in a wide range of area and the mass-production produced by new technology in the course of 1750 to 1850 (Lane, 1978: 72). Engles (1986: 37) argued that the Industrial Revolution’s mainly development were the invention of the steam engine and the cotton industry. As the improvement of technology, the steam engine could produce more power with less
The Industrial Revolution is one of the most important turning point in human history. “Industrial Revolution, The This term is used to refer to the period of rapid social, economic, demographic, and technological change which took place in Britain from the latter half of the eighteenth century to the first half of the nineteenth century ” (Marshall, 1998).Before
The French Revolution was a failure because after all of the blood shed, the laws, civil rights, and codes did not get instituted effectively and did not represent the values that the citizens fought for, examples of this were the Napoleonic Code, Declaration of Rights of Man. Another reason it was a failure was because during the revolts and reforms more than 40,000 men and women died, this enormous massacre of people went against Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, all of which the national assembly declared were every man's right. Much of the killing can be related back to Robespierre and King Louis XVI. Although it was mostly a failure, some achievements can be seen through the revolution, the French revolution helped the french people become a more equal and socialist state, this showed Europe that the french
The Industrial Revolution began in Britain during the late 1700s. It took place during the 18th and 19th centuries. Document 3 displays the look of the environment at the beginning of this shift in society. It is filled with smoky chimneys. Machines and factories led to great productions, such as new systems of transportation, more efficient communication, banking systems, a variety of manufactured goods, and an overall improvement of living. Britain was the perfect place for the Industrial Revolution to begin due to its coal and iron. Factories became a necessity because of the increase in demand for British goods (Staff, 2009). Before the Industrial Revolution, transportation consisted of wagons, led by horses. “In the early 1800s, American Robert Fulton built the first commercially successful steamboat” (Staff, 2009). Along
The French Revolution were influenced by many factors such as the Enlightenment ideals, concepts of popular sovereignty, and unchallengeable rights. France’s costly involvement in the Revolution and excessive spending by King Louis XVI and his predecessor had left the country on the brink of bankruptcy. Not only were the royal coffers exhausted, but two decades of poor cereal harvests, drought, cattle disease and skyrocketing bread prices had kindled unrest among peasants and the urban poor. ( actions played a critical role in shaping modern nations. As
The Industrial Revolution was the main contributor of the development of factories and modern day machinery. The Industrial Revolution created hundreds of new jobs, influenced many new inventions, and created many new ways of creating and transporting goods. Many jobs including spinners, miners, factory workers, and farmers were beginning to rise in population, due to the new technology being created in the 18th and 19th centuries. The start of new inventions coming into view was beginning in Britain, with many agricultural tools creating new ways to plow and yield crops. Later on, it caused new forms of transportation to be developed, for example, railroads and canals. This essay will explain exactly how these causes began, and how they
Both the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution induced great social transformations from the end of the 18th century on. The revolutions laid the foundation for the journey of modernization for Great Britain and France. Although the two countries were merely separated by the English Channel, the relatively low degree of pre-industrial international communications hindered the interaction of both events. Nevertheless, it is not coincidental that the revolutions occurred roughly at the same time: the rapidly increasing economic demand as well as the emergence of enlightenment philosophies served as the stimuli. However, the varied application and reaction to the two elements are country-based: the difference in the availability of natural resources, the class relations in each states, and the dissimilar applications of the philosophical ideas developed into the two distinctively varied revolutions.
The French Revolution was the anger of a nation that was suppressed under unfair laws and rules for decades. The revolution happened for a good purpose, but ended as a disasters in Europe’s history. The French Revolution is an important event in history because it spread the idea of democracy even though it did not gain democracy for its own. While the French Revolution spread ideas of democracy and helped other nations, it was not a positive happening in French history because it did not achieve most of its goals. I will consider French’s politics, economy, social structure, religion before and after the revolution, and also talk about the achievements of the revolution, such as the Napoleonic Code. In neither of those fields the revolution