Sudan Genocide The Sudan genocide started on the 26 February 2003, When the Sudan liberation movement rebel groups took up arms against the government of Sudan, the Sudan government responded to the attacks by arming the Janjaweed militia’s and started an ethnic cleansing against non-Arabism Darfur leaving hundreds of thousands dead. At the beginning of 1991 non-Arabs of the zaghawa complained that they were victims of the intensifying Arab apartheid campaign. Sudanese Arabs who control the government are widely referred to as practicing apartheid against non-Arab citizens. The government is accused of “cleverly manipulating Arab solidarity to carry out policies of cleansing out an ethnic group. The genocide began on the 26th of February and a group called the Darfur liberation front and claimed that they attacked Golo. Army outposts and police stations were attacked by the rebels and the government took action by performing massive air and land assaults on the rebels. On the 25th of March the rebels seized Garrison town and took all of the armour that was in the town leaving the military with very little. There was also a lot of rape that was reported, children including young boys and women were affected. One part of the fight was mainly concentrated on the Sudanese military and police along with the Janjaweed who was a Sudanese militia group. The other soldiers are part of the rebel group and consists mainly of non-Arab Zaghwa and masalit groups. The genocide’s goal was
The genocide began on April 24, 1915, when “300 Armenian political leaders, educators, writers, clergy and dignitaries in Istanbul were taken from their homes, briefly jailed and tortured, then hanged or shot” just for being a non-believer in the Muslim religion (UHRC, par. 19). After this, many Armenian men were being arrested for no real reason. They were then taken and shot or bayoneted by Turkish soldiers. Now, it was time for the Armenian women and children. These people were “ordered to pack a few belongings and be ready to leave home, under the pretext that they were being relocated to a non-military zone for their own safety when they were actually being taken on death marches heading south toward the Syrian Desert” (UHRC, par. 21). Over a million people took part in these “death marches” with almost ¾ of people dying while traveling through the desert.
Darfur is the western region of the African country of Sudan. Currently, the people of Darfur have been continually attacked by the Sudanese army and by proxy-militia controlled by the Sudanese government. Families are being uprooted and starved, children tormented and murdered by the thousands and women raped without punishment. Innocent civilians in Darfur continue to be victims of unthinkable brutality. Many people have become homeless and seek protection in refugee camps in Chad. Yet despite its outward appearance, Darfur has a vast ethnic diversity and a complex, ancient system of resolving conflict. Genocide has occurred in several places around the world, but in Darfur there are certain reasons why it
The Sudan Liberation Movement and the Justice Equality Movement took arms against the Sudanese government, which was later named “The War in Darfur”. Which sparked the anger of the government and sent their military to begin murdering many villages, that were non Arabs. In many accounts reported about 2 million were killed over 2 decades.Scarce resources played a huge role in the mass killings of Sudanese (non arab).
Not everybody believes in genocides, other may have a different opinion or thoughts. Sometimes people don’t realize its genocide because they believe in what they are doing and they think there is no harm done because it’s not affecting them. To be taken away from your family, to go live somewhere else or to be killed can have a huge impact on your life. Genocides play a huge role in the world; it has and will affect many people. In Darfur there is a genocide going on, it has been going on for a few decades now. Genocide is the mass killing of a race. The people of Darfur and the Government of Sudan didn’t really get along. The Government wanted to do oil exploration where the citizens lived. There was and still is a lot of tension between
In recent times, the media has highlighted the genocide that has been occurring in Darfur, Sudan. Darfur, Sudan is a country roughly the size of the state of Texas (Darfur Scores, n.d.). Genocide is the systematic killing of an entire ethnic group of people from a national, ethnic, or religious group, or an attempt to do away with them all (Darfur Scores, n.d.). Beginning around 2003, according to Darfur Scores (n.d.), “the Sudanese government in Khartoum and the government-sponsored Janjaweed militia have used rape, displacement, organized starvation, threats against aid workers and mass murder. Violence, disease, and displacement continue to kill thousands of innocent Darfurians every month.”
Genocide is defined as the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group. “The ‘Darfur Genocide’ refers to the current mass slaughter and rape of men, women, and children in Western Sudan” (Mitchell Hamline School of Law). Not only are these atrocities happening, but the Darfurians are being force from their land and into refugee camps, mainly in the country Chad, but also other countries like Ethiopia or Kenya. Darfur genocide causes can be found both culturally and politically. The cultural and political causes come from the same source of that being an underdeveloped country with no effective government protecting the rights of the Darfurians. Darfurians were violently pushed around, physically and mentally, with the western world not stepping in to assist. Although eventually, both Britain and the United Nations came to the same conclusion that the atrocities occurring in Darfur were genocide and “one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises” (Thomson Reuters). Genocide occurred in Sudan in the Darfur region starting in 2003 and continues today. The long-standing divide between Arab herding tribes and the African farming tribes and the political opportunism arising from the environmental calamity led to the genocide in Sudan.
The origin of the war between these two regions goes back to the 1950s when the country, which was previously two separate nations, was made one after World War II by the west. Shortly after this union, Sudan was emancipated from England. 1983 marks the beginning of the violent relations between the North and South Sudan. The initiation of this conflict was brought forth by the Islamic Sudanese of the North, invading with military force the Southern Sudanese Christians . From 1983, it is estimated that at least two million people have been killed in the violent duration of this genocide, most of whom are of the Christian faith and lead non-violent civilian lives. Attention on human trafficking was brought into the international community’s scope with close proximity to the beginning of the violence as two professors from the University of Khartoum shed light on the subject. Ushari Ahmad Mahumud and Suleyman Ali Baldo learned about the genocide and enslavement being practiced on the Dinka people, a tribal group in the southern Sudan, and upon this discovery they dicided to investigate it further. What they found was that raiders from the north were killing the Southern Christian men and kidnapping the women and children to be sold into slavery. The most disturbing part of this discovery was the newfound knowledge that this had been going on for over two years. Professors Mahumud and Baldo
The Darfur Genocide is considered one of the most gruesome and gory genocides to take place in recent years. Darfur is a western civilization roughly the size of Spain located in the country of Sudan which is situated in Africa. Sudan has had a rough history over the past fifty years. In fact violence has become more of a norm in the area.
The Darfur crisis was a horrific event because of the savage treatment of civilians that led to an immense number of civilian casualties. As of today, over four hundred and eighty thousand people have been killed, and over two point eight million people are displaced. (World Without Genocide, Women and children were forced to endure a systematic program of sexual assault, torture, and murder. The central government of Sudan, working largely through nomadic Arab militias, humiliates women, and tears apart families and shreds the social fabric of communities through rape. (Smart Library on Globalization, It is clear from these sources that the innocent civilian deaths tore apart families. After villages are attacked parents and children have had to run away from the
It is the Darfur genocide. Arab militias called Janjaweed go through Western Sudan. They burn villages, intentionally killing Darfurians, looting economic resources, raping, murdering, and torturing them. Over 400,000 Darfurians have been been killed and over 2,500,000 have been displaced due to such events ongoing. Another genocide that was not too long ago was the Bosnia genocide that lasted about 4 years, 1991-1995. The reasons why this happened was because Bosnia and Herzegovina wanted independence. That wasn’t given, so the Serbs started targeting Bosniak and Croatian in the areas where the “cleaning” was taking place. This genocide claimed the lives of 100,000
Genocide, a dire event, has been recurring time and time again throughout history. In the past, there was the Holocaust, where Hitler exterminated over six million Jews based on his anti-semitic views. Elie Wiesel, a Jewish author, has become a very influential man in educating the world of the true events of the Holocaust due to his involvement in the disaster. Presently, a genocide is occurring in the Darfur region of southern Sudan, in which according to Cheryl Goldmark, “a systematic slaughter of non-Arab residents at the the hands of Arab militiamen called Janjaweed” has been taking place since 2003. (1) Not only is genocide a tragic historical event, it also continuously occurs today.
The analysis of the genocides that took place both in Rwanda and Sudan’s Darfur region exhibit some similarities as well as differences. The character of violence was similar in both cases, but in Rwanda the violence was more intense, participatory, and extraordinary. The violence in these two places took place in an environment that had experienced civil wars. It was a period of political transition which was further aggravated by ethnic nationalism and a conflict of ethnic populations that were living in close proximity. However, in the Rwandan genocide, the state is more centralized, compact, and effective. This is what explains the intensity and variation. The international response to these genocides through observers emphasized on
Genocides happen when ethnic divisions become apparent. Many times, these ethnic divisions were due to colonization from people of different race. These cases are especially true in Africa when Europeans colonized their territory, with clear racial divisions between them (Gavin). These genocides go on because of nations acting on ignorance and refusing to help out the nations in turmoil, allowing the genocides to continue, without wasting their own resources. These nations purposefully ignoring the slaughter of people cause the nations to also be guilty of the genocide underway (“The Heart”). The genocide occurred in Rwanda in Central Africa during 1994. The decades of Tutsi oppression of Hutus and the assassination of President Habyarimana in 1994 led to the genocide in Rwanda.
The government of Sudan, a country in Northeast Africa, is committing a horrendous crime against humanity. Genocide is raging on in Western Sudan against poor, helpless, innocent people. It is actually the ten year “anniversary” since the beginning of the Darfur conflict and the genocide still continues on. There are over 1.4 million people who still do not have homes to come back to, and the numbers stack higher every day. Bombings have not stopped, as there was one as recent as February 2013. The Darfur conflict in the beginning was just a brewing disaster and it eventually led to the horrendous genocides in the early 2000s due to early settlement disputes, climate change, and radical Islamic
According to Amnesty International (2012), “throughout Sudan, the government routinely represses human rights defenders, political opponents, and ordinary civilians subjecting many to torture and other forms of ill-treatment.” Since the Darfur conflict erupted in February 2003, systematic human rights abuses have occurred. These abuses include killing, torture, rape, looting and destroying property. All parties have been involved, but these abuses have mostly been committed by the Sudanese government and government-backed Janjawid militia. These attacks have led to the death of hundreds of thousands of people in Darfur, with an estimated two million internally displaced people and another 250,000 refugees