
The Suitcase Lady Analysis

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2. The suitcase lady faces both physical and metal struggles. Throughout the narrative, the story of the suitcase lady's struggle unfolds as it gives details on how her poverty effects her physically, and how it is always a fight for her survival. These physical damages include poor eating habits, blisters and swollen ankles from poor quality clothing items, being filthy and unclean, and sleep deprivation from being uncomfortable or just not being able to find a place to sleep. In the narrative, this is shown when the suitcase lady says, "Any place I can find a place to sleep. In the park, in stores - like here I stay and sit, on Yonge Street." This quote reveals how difficult it is for her to find a suitable sleeping area, but also how difficult it is for her to sleep and live a life of poverty. This leads to her struggle mentally. In the narrative within paragraph 19, the suitcase lady says that in the last four days, she has only slept for 3 hours, meaning she has sleep deprivation. This sleep deprivation is causing her to become very stressed and unfocused. Additionally, she faces social isolation because she is poor. People who see either view her as a piece of trash, or view her as a individual who just has it harder, and therefore do not want to …show more content…

The waitresses who bring the Vicomtesse food can be characterized as being warmhearted, sympathetic, and selfless. I think this because they view the Vicomtesse as an actual person with feelings. The fact that they bring her food willingly shows that the waitresses show sympathy towards her, and also that the waitresses want to help her out for just the mere reason of helping another human being out. Additionally, in paragraph 17, it says that the waitresses went out of their way to persuade the boss that the Vicomtesse does no harm. That is a true act of kindness and selflessness on the waitresses parts, and also an act of courage. That is why I believe the waitresses are warmhearted, sympathetic, and

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