It was Friday afternoon. I was 7 or 8 at the time. I had just come home from school and my grandparents were upstairs napping. My parents and sisters were gone and the house was completely quiet. I was scared of the silence and decided to go watch TV. I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV screen. The channel that was on was ABC. The show on the screen was unfamiliar to me, but I continued to watch it anyways. The scene started with five doctors; the majority of them being white, except for one. She was Asian and her name was Christina Yang. As the show continued, I got to learn more about Christina and I was mesmerized. I was in love with her and her character. I idolized everything about her. She was the Asian representation that my kid shows never had. …show more content…
The only other Asian women I have seen on TV were London Tipton from The Suite Life of Zach and Cody and Kai-Lan from Ni Hao, Kai-Lan. Christina was strong, smart, stubborn. She had real problems like deciding between her career and love, but she still stayed strong. Christina was an honest picture of how smart Asian girls really
All of the girls, in my opinion, played a part in her making it to television. All of the girls always supported each other to follow their dreams saying that they were beautiful and capable of
One day in 7th grade at 6th block it was almost time for Eogs to begin actually they were the following monday and i was talking to natalie.Mr.Clark was talking about something that really bored me ,so talking to natalie was pretty much my only option.I really should of payed attention but you know it was almost the end of the year and no one really payed attention.He wanted us to take notes so i pulled out a bunch of paper.Everybody kept asking me for paper so i got very annoyed.
I think I was about 11 years of age. It was a warm September evening. Our family was getting ready for another cookout. For those of you who don’t know, cookouts are when my family invites other family and/or friends over to cook hot dogs and toast marshmallows over a fire pit in our backyard. Usually after that my dad and I will usually play backyard baseball.
It was on a rainy Wednesday night at our grandma Donna's house in the summer. We were messing around like usual. Well, a little. We were trying to make a movie
Even though this show was canceled, it was the first show to have a dominantly Asian cast and hopefully will spark more successful shows like it.
Well I didn't know what to do so I sold the house for money,but that money went by fast.I officially thought I was the most unluckiest kid to live. I was hungry and I didn't know what to do I had no more family,and I was freezing. I think it was about midnight, and I was walking on Acol road. While I was walking a marble rolled to my feet, and then I heard a pssst!
Krak I heard a ball pound of a bat. I also heard cross charing and parents yelling it was loud. Then I saw my couch he said, “you must be Dylan.” I said,”yes” Then a kid said, “do you want to play catch” I said “shear” Then we walked on the field and played catch then more and more people showed up. Then we scrimmaged. It was the last inning the sun was getting low I was up i had butterflies in my stomach. I had a runner on second it was tied 2 to 2 a dubel I was so happy the runner on second scored we won. After that we went to mcdonalds and had i cream finally we went back home I have always not liked baseball but this your I think I will like it.
The next morning when we got up we expected Rascal to still be up stairs but he wasn’t. So we all started getting worried but it turns out my mom brought him downstairs. So we went got ready and went to school. I was in 7th grade I think and well that was
What is your earliest memory? How old were you when it happened and why do you think you have remembered it?
a utopia as I had imagined it to be; I felt as if I were struggling my way through the stream of many events,
I was probably eleven years old when my grandmother, my mom-mom, had to move into our house. She had been fighting lots of medical difficulties for months upon months. She no longer was able to take care of herself, for she could not
It was on Halloween the day every one goes trick-or-treating. My mom asked me “Don’t you want to go trick-or- treating,” and I said “no way leave trick-or-treating to the little kids”. Then someone told my mom about a haunted house in Event Park then she told me about it and asked if I wanted to go of course I said yes. So we went to Event Park where it did not look that scary on the outside put when we got it was scary.
It was the summer of ’95 and one day I woke up and felt really sick. I lived alone ever since the passing of my dear husband, John, since I lived alone I needed someone to take care of me just in case something really horrible went wrong! Well anyway, I had called my daughter that morning and she sent little red riding hood on an adventure to get to my house to spend the night. About 45 minutes later I heard a loud knock on the door, being the curious
It all happened on a normal regular day. We were all eating dinner at our dinner table. When my parents started arguing over something that my mom saw on his phone, It was basically some messages with another woman . I remember my mom telling me and my sister to go to my room. My sister was so scared so I just told her to lay down and watch tv.
It was the late afternoon, and me and my sister had just got home from school. I was in fifth grade, and she was in second. We had just gotten home from school, and my pregnant mom was sitting on the couch with my two year old brother while he was watching t.v.