Sumarians, an ancient group of people who lived in southern Mesopotamia around 3500 BC, are attributed with the very first attempts to transcribe symbols onto moveable materials. The Sumarians developed a ‘cuneiform’ alphabet, which were then etched into clay tablets with a triangle shaped stylus called a ‘calamus’ and then allowed to dry or fired in a kiln to make them last as long as possible. The Sumarians are speculated to be the earliest people to ever use the first known written system in the world. The earliest surviving Papyrus scrolls that contain written text originate in Egypt and date back to around 2400 BC during the Fifth Dynasty of King Neferirkare Kakai, although historians have suggested papyrus could have been used as early as 3100 BC during the First Dynasty. Papyrus is a very thick paper-like material that is made from the ‘pith’, center of the stem, of the papyrus plant, a reed like swamp plant that used to be found in abundance along the Nile river. This pith was cut into thin strips, pressed together, and then glued and dried to form a thin flat surface that could be written on. A calamus, like the Sumarians used, was cut from the stem of a reed and then sharpened to form a writing utensil, but bird feathers were also used. …show more content…
He used a combination of mulberries, hemp, old rags, bark, and even used fish nets for the creation of the paper pulp around 105 AD. While paper had been used in China for wrapping and padding since 200 BC, recent archaeological discoveries have been reported near Dunhuang of paper with writing on it dating from 8 BC. The very first book was printed on paper in China, using a block of wood that had characters carved in reverse relief. Ink was then placed on the block of wood to create a prink on the paper. This technique is known as ‘woodblock printing’ and was originally used as early as 220 AD as a means of printing on
And one of their inventions was the handwriting which they called cuneiform. Cuneiform was invented by the sumerian people in 3500 B.C. Sumerians didnt have money, so the only thing they had to trade was what GOD gave them. Body Paragraph #1 Cumiem Form: (Doc. 1) Cuneiform was the first written developed by the Sumerians over 5000 years ago.
Mesopotamia is credited for inventing the first written language and the first written laws. Sumerians in ancient Mesopotamia needed an efficient way to keep track of their business dealings with other people who lived thousands of miles away. The people often could not remember or agree upon what they had traded; this led to nasty disputes. As a result,the Sumerians created Cuneiform, the first written language. It was quickly accepted and widely used throughout Mesopotamia.
One of the most important inventions that the Sumerians were famous for was cuneiform. Cuneiform was a type of writing, and it was the first written language (Doc. 1). The Sumerians invented this writing system to keep track of records and business deals (Doc. 1). The way that the Sumerians wrote in cuneiform was by taking pieces of soft clay from the river and carving into it (OI).
The earliest printing in China was the block printing method in the first Century B.C., where the individual sheets of paper were pressed against wooden blocks that had text and illustrations carved into them. This process could print hundreds and even thousands of copies, this technology played a significant role in promoting the spread of culture. A block carver named Bi Sheng made movable types with clay during the period from1004 to 1048. This method each type was carved with one character and the types could be set independently according to contents of different articles. After printing, the movable types could be reused and this improved technology is called movable-type printing. (LAN, 2008)
The architectural Innovations by the Sumerians included things like ramps, purchase, and columns as well as pyramid shaped as ziggurats ( Doc 1 ). Sumerians also developed weapons and tools made out of bronze and copper (Doc 1). As well, the Sumerians also came up with the first known form of writing, known as cuneiform ( Doc 1 ). These achievements help to develop and contribute to later civilizations of humankind. Their developments and architecture influenced later building styles of throughout Mesopotamia ( Doc 1 ).
The first paper was made in 105 AD. This paper was made of cloth, bark, bamboo, and fish net. Although this paper was not easy to write on, it has changed the world forever. The inventor of paper was born during the Han Dynasty. His name was Cai Lun.
Mesopotamia’s first invention was a form of writing called cuneiform which was written on clay tablets with a sharp reed called a stylus. This permitted for recording events and
To begin, the sumerians invented the first form of writing which was called the cuneiform. Instead of using pens, pencils, and paper they used styluses to make wedge shaped symbols on clay tablets when using the cuneiform. Scribers were the ones who would keep track.of business records. His amazing invention also helped with the development of language.
In Mesopotamia, people had no money so they traded barley, pottery, fish, and other foods and inventions they made. They needed a way to keep up with what they traded, so Sumerians created the first form of writing over 5000 years ago which they called Cuneiform. They used Cuneiform for business dealings such as trading barley, keeping records, and new ideas changed between different generations.
stone and making a print on a piece of paper. This is also known as relief
In the book, Animal Farm, written by George Orwell, he portrayed to me a sense of repetition in the political process, that seems to eventually end in chaos or confusion, not witch truly sums up his view of a political process in the government.The main key points Orwell was trying to come through with the book was the meaning of totalitarianism. According to Classroom Synonym, totalitarian government is a single-party dictatorship that controls all aspects of public and private life, which is most definitely portrayed in the book though the characters.Although throughout the essay I will be comparing this incredible analogy, through a realistic and nonrealistic viewpoint about totalitarianism; a bitter feud between the South Sudanese president and his vice president, and Emma Stone’s character in present still truly connects through the twisted story of human nature in the movie the “The Help”. Eventually, by the end of this, you will see through various quotes from Animal Farm and researched articles and how today’s political world, written by George Orwell.
It is very difficult to compare and contrast the concept of health and ill health as they differ with difference in the social norms and how people interpret them. As per the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, World Health Organization (WHO) has defined health as 'a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’. Illness as per them, is a more subjective concept related to personal experience of a disease, particularly the ones of chronic and infectious nature.
Cuneiform is considered the most significant among the many cultural contributions of the Sumerians. Cuneiform writing is traced back from c. 3500 - 3000 BC. The writing wasn 't first actually words. They used pictographs for writing in their records. Instead of writing letters “s-u-n”, a Sumerian would imprint a pictograph of what they had as a sun on a clay tablet. Also,
The earliest form of printing known is the application of signet stones. This was used in ancient times in Babylonia. Before The Gutenberg Bible, books were traditionally rendered by hand on scrolls. This technique was a feature of Egyptian, Greek, and Roman civilizations (“Printing”). Around the Middle Ages, monks rendered books with quill pens
What in the world would be the punishment for the most brutal killers beside the death penalty? Historically, people have been murdering people mostly because of either how popular they are or how wealthy they are. Such as In In Cold Blood, the author stated that the two killers killed the entire family in one night intentionally just because of hatred or thievery. The judges of the court must give Dick and Perry Smith the death penalty because the most brutal killers should be eliminated in order to assure that one day these killers cannot come out of prison and commit another crime.