
The Super Natural Analysis

Decent Essays

Last week we read Jeffrey Kripal’s The Super Natural, in the text he mentions, “We are not our physical body; we are spirits, and as such we are immortal and we are destined, lifetime by evolve into ever higher levels of consciousness and so return to God”. Through investigations of various worldviews and the ‘real’, I am discovering evidence and support for that which I feel and know to be true and real for myself. Particularly throughout that last few months I have grown more aware about the colonization of knowledge, not just in context to religion and power, but the overall institutionalized control of power/knowledge dynamics in place such as language, culture, and education. The quote above provided by Kirpal assists in backing where my worldview lies, and the ever expanding and dynamic composition of my minds eye. …show more content…

To explain, beginning with the basic atomic building blocks, a perfect harmony of protons, electrons and neutrons must be in a balanced existence for any and all to even occur. In addition, through scientific study our species has discovered how notions of gravity, oxygen, and complex interactions between energy and matter all coexist (once again in perfect harmony) to create the moment us ‘humans’ take so fiercely for granted. Whether through direct social control, notions of ‘common sense’, popular norms, and all the other various politics of life it is easy to lose sight of the clarity, divinity, and simplicity of the

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