
The Supplement Dilemm Do I Really Need Supplement X, Y, And Z?

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The Supplement Dilemma: Do I really need supplement X, Y, and Z? Are you feeling overwhelmed by the myriad of nutrition supplements on the market? Unsure if you need whey protein, fish oil capsules, vitamin pills, creatine, caffeine pills, test boosters, L-carnitine, or branched chain amino acids? I feel your angst. I too was once a young stud pulling my hair out in frustration over the sheer number of nutritional supplement at my disposal. The naïve teen: A young, baby-faced, lanky teen with an afro (Ludacris would be jealous) walks into a nutritional supplement store for the first time. His eyes bulge out of their sockets in excitement as he walks down the aisle. He comes across protein powders, natural test boosters, nitric oxide, and creatine supplements promising to increase lean muscle mass and strength. Further down, he finds energy pills, chews, and drinks purporting to deliver the most intense and hardcore workout of his life. He even finds supplements promising to increase his sexual performance (wink, ExtenZe). The supplements give him a glimpse into his future: arms the size of 22 inch Escalade rims, a barreling chest, legs so enormous that his friends call him quadzilla, and bodacious babes-lots of them. He grasps as many supplements that his two string bean (soon to be gigantic python) arms can carry. He is on his way to Arnold Schwarzenegger status. Who is this young, dashing teen? Why me, of course (yes, I really had an afro). I’m not embarrassed to say

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